Pumpkin Brawl

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 To your surprise and rather unnerved disturbance, Instructor Owlan informed you of a secret about Levias that you'd rather stay in the shadows. Levias was possessed by some sort of demon or parasite that affected his thinking. From what was described, the two of you were in for a hell of a fight. You quickly learned that a certain combat move performed on a loftwing was absolutely necessary for this battle. It was a trick only the most experienced knights were taught... The Spin Attack. For skilled riders such as yourselves, it was a cinch to master.

Your Mission: Deliver a pot of pumpkin soup to the Rainbow Island as a peace offering and hopefully get on Levias' good side, otherwise beat the demon out of him. Sounds wonderful right?

After Groose had gathered his things and you had a change of clothes, the three of you flew off with the sun high above you towards the pumpkin place. Actually it was more of an inn/tavern where the knights of Skyloft visited frequently. You weren't exactly thrilled to have to deliver soup to a possessed monster, but that's the life of a hero... The welcoming smells of spices and pumpkin filled your senses as you landed outside, and the sounds of friendly music and laughter echoed around you. The familiarity of the place boosted your spirit making you feel safe and comforted. Stepping through the doors, you were instantly greeted by a friendly bolstering voice, and you immediately recognized it as the tavern's keeper.

"Ah! The heroes return! What can I do ya for?"

Link smiled and greeted him warmly, explaining your situation to him.

You stood back a bit, normally letting Link do all the explaining and your eyes wandered the tavern, smiling as you saw jovial faces. You gaze almost overlooked one very familiar figure because of his ratted appearance, but you finally recognized him, "Pipit?!" You strutted over to the lonely table in the corner of the tavern.

Pipit raised his head with a great amount of effort from the table and you saw the extent of his state. His normally beautiful amber colored hair was dulled and unkempt, ruffled and greasy beyond max. Even a short amount of stubble grew unevenly across his jaw. As he looked up drowsily from the table, his red-rimmed eyes met yours, "___?" His voice cracked.

Your jaw dropped as you saw the great beaker sitting next to his sword, and you knew he was drunk. You were too astonished to reprimand him, "Pipit! What have you done to yourself?!"

Pipit smirked, "So... You've finally decided to show up." He took another swig from his beaker.

You snatched it angrily from his mouth and slid it across the table, "Stop it! What do you think you're doing?!"

He sighed groggily, "Waiting for you..."

"Waiting... Pipit you know I have to do this!" You tried to keep your voice down.

"Do what, ___? All I know is that you've been disappearing with Link for days at a time and coming back like you've been in a war. So tell me..." He leaned towards you, "What is going on?"

Before you could react, Link and Groose came up behind you, "What the heck?! Pipit, is that you?"

Pipit leaned back against his chair, "So... Can't go anywhere without your boyfriends now can you? Tell me, where is that pale demon of yours, ___. Is he drooling at your mercy too?"

You had just about had it with him, but Link took a stand for you, "Hey! What is wrong with you, Pipit? You have no idea what we've been through. Don't you dare insult her like that!"

Pipit slowly rose from his seat and looked right through his soul, "You know, Link. You and I have something to settle." He took off his glove and threw it to the ground, "Pick it up..."

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