Fire Sanctuary

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Wiping beads of sweat from your brow, you were so thankful for those fireshield earrings that protected you from bursting into flames, but it didn't completely reduce the heat. The fire sanctuary blazed with hot beauty. Rivers of lava cut it's way through the elaborate stone structures, hungry for anything. Never satisfied. Very soon into your journey, all the moisture evaporated from your mouth, leaving you craving water.

Link seemed to notice and offered you his canteen. Thanking him, you put it to your lips, but were met with an unwelcome surprise of boiling water. Tossing the canteen aside and spitting it out, your eyes watered with the pain that scorched your mouth, "I hate this place." You complained, wiping away a stray tear.

Link looked at you, making a face, "What? It's not bad, well besides the flaming bats." He smiled at you.

You frowned, "Are you mocking me?"

He chuckled, shoving you, "Come on, ___. I'm just messing with you. We should move." He stood and after a few steps completely toppled over a mound of dirt, almost falling into a pool of lava.

You sprung over immediately, pulling him back over the edge.

"What the..." Link looked back at the mound of dirt to find a funny looking face staring at him.

"Oi! You two! What'dya think your doin' in here!? Don't tell me your here for the treasure too!" It clamored.

You smiled, "A mogma."

Link sighed in annoyance, "Wonderful..."

"You'd best be goin' back where you came from. It ain't safe here!" It's beady eyes blinked as it stared you down, "Well! Get movin'!"

"Actually, we are looking for something pretty special." You knelt down next to it, "Have any idea where it may be?"

It made a grumpy face, "Maybe... I guess you'd go on anyway with out me sayin' so... Here!" It reached into the dirt pile and shoved a rusty key into your palm, "Use that, but you run once you open that door over yonder 'K!" It pointed to a door at the far end of the temple, "And trust the fall towards the left dragon! Don't say I didn't warn you!" It eyed you both, pointing a skinny dark finger at you, and just as quickly as he came, he vanished under the earth.

You glanced at each other,a bit confused, "Well, it's actually good you tripped over him." You said as you helped Link to his feet.

Link grunted, clearly disagreeing, "Yeah, well I almost became a fried chicken." He brushed himself off and started to walk towards the door, "Let's get going. I wonder what he meant by trusting the fall to the left dragon."

You shrugged, "I don't know, sounds... weird."

Faced with a strange riddle and a rusty key, you made your way towards the door and unlocked it. Nothing happened. Chuckling to yourselves, Link opened the doors and a deep rumble came from above you. Looking up, your eyes went wide with fear at the sight of a waterfall of lava racing towards you.

"Run!" Link yelled and raced down the balcony.

You were already far ahead of him, hearing the roar of the molten lava surge after you. Normally you would try to get out of it's path, but on either side of the balcony bubbled magma. Straight was your only option. Your heart pounded when you saw a dead end. Skidding to a stop, you breathed in heavily looking down on the lake of fire. Noticing only two stone dragons miles below. Link caught up to you, grabbing your arm to slow himself, "Oh, no..." He cursed under his breath as he stared death down its throat.

Trusting your gut, you grabbed Link's hand, "JUMP!"


Not waiting for anything you leapt from the edge with Link before the river tumbled over into the lake. That sickening feeling of free-fall mixed with the inevitable fear of smoldering to death did not sit well in your stomach. You really didn't feel like dying today, carrying your best friend with you. In an instant, Link grabbed your waist and pulled out his sailcloth, slowing your descent, "Hold on!" He yelled, preparing himself to land on the stone dragon's head. You wanted to scream out how you truly felt for Link before you died...

You didn't even know if he heard you, but you clamped your eyes shut moments before your feet landed on something solid and glassy. Slipping and loosing your balance, you hit the ground hard and slid headfirst into the dragon's mouth. Link laid right beside you laughing as you both sat up to see what you landed on.

Whatever it was, some type of shimmering glass, it was the perfect cover to the entrance of the temple interior. "Wow! I though we were dead for a second there." Link shook his head in awe as he helped you to your feet, "What was it you said as we were falling?"

You let out a deep breath, "Oh, nothin'"

Link shrugged, "Ok, well, we still have a flame to find."

As you made your way over to the large temple doors, you were pretty happy Link didn't hear what you said. Right now though, you had to prepare yourself for the upcoming battle that faced you behind the temple doors. Taking in a deep breath, you and Link walked inside an enormous dome with intricate carvings all around. To your horror, standing in front of you with his back turned wasn't a dumb beast you could best easily, but someone much more clever.

Ghirahim could sense your presence, and smiled as he turned around, looking more like a vampire amongst the waves of heat, "...Oh, hello there, Link. ___. I see you're among the living. Fancy meeting you here. We seem to bump into each other time and time again. Oh, it's no coincidence though, is it? We were bound by a thread of fate."

Link braced his sword, stepping in front of you defensively, "Are you here to fight or give a monologue?"

Ghirahim chuckled, "Such behavior. In fact, Link. I'm here to do a bit of business." He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Suddenly two strong hands twisted your arm behind your back and the cod blade of a knife was against your neck, "In the lady's company..." His smooth voice hissed in your ear.

Link whirled around to face him, and before anything else could happen, a dark fog enveloped you, and you were transported into a twilight realm.


NO! How did I just let him take her like that!? I can't even protect her from my worst enemy! How am I supposed to compete with a disappearing demon lord!? Argh! Listen to me! This is NOT how it's supposed to be! I can't compare myself to some villain when I should be looking for a way to get ___ back!!... I know she can take care of herself, but... it's Ghirahim! He has powers beyond the two of us! Oh goddess please protect her wherever she is!! ... And if that slimy snake from hell even shows his face, I'll make sure he'll regret the day he ever set eyes on ___!!


Sheesh! It's taking Link and ___ a really long time to get back here! I guess collecting and purifying their weapons is taking longer than anticipated... I just kinda miss ___. I mean I don't mind the solitude down here, it's quite peaceful when I'm working on my project, but... I just wanna hear her voice again, and talk to her, make up for things that went wrong between us ya know?... *awkward silence*.... Wonderful. I'm talking to a squirrel. I just realized how weird that is... I really wish ___ would come back soon!


Yup despite all my efforts, I can't find a way to get to the surface. No matter how hard I tried, how many miles I flew over the barrier, I still can't get down there. My loftwing won't carry me through the portals and it's not like I can jump down there without a way of coming back up! Not to mention I would die before I even had a chance to figure out where I was! *huff* So... Now I'm stuck here... waiting for Link and ___ to just hopefully show up again! Ugh... I need a drink.


I have no intention of harming ___ in any way, though I will have to bind her to make her listen to me... I can only hope that there will be a sliver of a chance that she will take my offer on her own will. If she doesn't... then I will have no choice... This world will burn at the hand of my master, and the only way to save her life is to make her my queen! By her will... or against it. And Link will be the first to go!

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