Healing Poultice

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You spent the last days of agony in a feverish bed, with lots of herbal teas shoved down your throat. There wasn't much else to do but sleep and try to think of something else. Was Link OK? Did he find Faron? And you, well, when were you allowed to get back on your feet? How long was this going to take?

A calm voice interrupted your thoughts as the old woman entered your tent, "Hello, there. I see you're awake."

You rubbed away the sleep from your eyes, "Yeah..."

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

You smirked, "Like I got crushed by a giant."

She chuckled, "Still carrying that sense of humor, I see. Good." She sat beside your bed, "Drink this." She held out a water skin to you.

You took it hesitantly, "What is it?" You had just about enough of herbal remedies.

"Wine," She responded, "I need to redress your wound, and that should help with the pain."

Your face scrunched at the mention of pain. As if what you felt wasn't enough. Putting the wine to your lips you guzzled it down as she lifted up your shirt revealing your stomach. It was wrapped tightly in gauze, but most of it was stained crimson with blood. Your curiosity got the better of you as you watched to see what your wound looked like. Your eyes went wide as you saw ripped, purple and bloody flesh sewn up with thick black thread. It might have just been your imagination, but you almost thought you could see something pulsating beneath it.

The sight was sickening and you had to turn away in fear of puking. It looked more like Frankenstein than yourself, but at least the bone wasn't protruding anymore. You sucked in a deep breath as she dabbed a salve onto your side, and she saw your pain, "I'm sorry, this will sting." She continued as she put more of the salve on, "You'll have a scar, but you'll have quite the story to tell if anyone asks you." She tried to get you to smile.

You did, but mostly to just to try and forget, "Yeah... Monsters, magic and demon lords!"

She finished re-wrapping your wound just as Groose poked his head in, "Demon Lords? The same guy Pipit was talking about?"

You quickly tugged your shirt down, "Ever heard of knocking, Groose?!"

"Oops sorry..." He knocked on the flap of the tent, which was silent, "Can't knock."

You sighed as the old woman left and Groose came in, "Smart Alec..."

He sat down beside you, "So who is this guy anyway? He sounds kinda important."

You let out a groan in frustration, and slumped your head back against the pillow. You felt a hard object beneath your neck and sat back up, "What the...?" You strained against the new bandage and pulled back your pillow.

"What?" Groose asked.

Your eyes went wide when you saw a small bag, filled with strange foliage and herbs, glowing and sparkling. It looked like a group of fireflies shrunk and hovered in masses around this strange object. You picked it up, feeling a warmth spread through your fingers and into your whole body, "What is this? Did the old woman do this?" You asked, handing it to Groose.

Groose took it, his eyes reflecting the golden glow, "I don't think so... Grannie doesn't really know any magic that I know of, or she would've used it to help you."

You looked more closely at it and saw a red ribbon tied at the top, with a blue diamond hanging from one of the knots, and you realized who's it was. It resembled Ghirahim's piercing! Your heart raced as you looked frantically around, and then realized it was pointless. He would certainly keep himself hidden. Knowing he was around you just gave him a clear smirk that said your found him out and slumped back down.

Meanwhile Groose was still asking you what was going on, "___? What is with you? Do you know who's this is?"

You gave a slight chuckle, "Oh yes, I do..." You laughed at yourself. You started to expect this guy's art more than you used to. The warmth that spread into your fingers had been making its was to your side, and a funny heat, not your fever, boiled beneath the gauze.

"Ok, can you tell me?" He sill asked with no answer.

You suddenly had the urge to see what was heating your wound with such fervent magic. Lifting up your shirt, you tore at the binding and revealed your wound against Groose's cries. Your wound! The bruising had gone and the red irritant diminished around the stitches. That poultice was magic indeed, and it had healed a large amount of your wound. Ghirahim had helped you, but why?

By now Groose had it with all his unknown questions, "___! What is going on!? What is this? Who's is this?!"

Your jaw dropped gently, "It's the Demon Lord's. Ghirahim."

"OK! Who is he?!" His patience was running very thin.

You sighed and sat back, placing the poultice back beneath your pillow. Whatever it was, it helped your quick recovery, "He is our arch nemesis, I guess you could say. He wants to help his master destroy this world and make another with themselves as the leaders, but I have the feeling it will be just his master."

Groose's features dropped, "And he's helping you?!"

"Yup..." You were a bit hesitant to tell him your theory about his love interest, but he was your close friend, "He has a bit of a crush on me..." You said as naturally as you could so it didn't sound too outlandish.

Groose snorted under his breath, "Not surprising..."

"Huh?" You caught his comment, "What do you mean?" You tried to squeeze it out of him.

"Nothing, it's just... With someone as gorgeous as yourself, it's not surprising..." He mumbled very quickly.

You couldn't help but smile at his complement, "Gorgeous?"

He grinned sheepishly, and leaned in quickly pecking your cheek, "You've always been more then a friend..." He stood, "Just wanted to let you know you're safe with me." He smiled and quickly left.


It feels so wrong... Going to find these dragons on my own, without ___. I've already found Faron, who is surprisingly not as overbearing as usual! I wouldn't go as far as saying she likes me, but I'm hopeful! :) Maybe it was because of ___. She asked about her and I relayed the story. She didn't seems surprised, but a bit worried, you know, like a mother. I'm on my way to Lanayru to find the next song right now... I hope I can remember all these to teach ___. She is after all more skilled at the harp than I am. She better get well soon... I hate driving solo!


Well, ___'s bird is almost healed to perfection. I've never spent so much time alone before! I've been thinking and reading so much my brain is going to explode! The legends of the surface sound amazing! ___ must have quite the adventures! I admit I'm a bit jealous...


Whew! I made a bit of a fool of myself back there... Ugh, why did I have to kiss her?! She probably thinks I'm crazy and dumb and...*Sigh* Well, maybe it'll break the ice a bit. This Ghirahim guy though sounds like someone I'd like to get my hands on! If he even tried to get near ___, I'd...I'd...!!! Argh! I don't know!? He sounds like a formidable opponent in magic, and I have no clue how he fights... Still I'd do my best.


Ah ha.... So she found out my little secret, did she? *smirks* I'm glad to see her personality returning along with her health. Hm... In a way I don't like the reputation it's giving me... you know as someone "who still has good in them." Ugh... Well, anyway... She gave me the greatest smirk when she found out I was around. She is so astute! And I love it!

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