The Chosen

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There was nothing. Just a gray limbo, with you hanging in the silence of another world. Fluttering your eyes open, you saw. . . nothing, but could hear a voice. A voice in another language that was for sure, but it wasn't frightening. It was much like that of soft strings in harmony. Suddenly all you saw were rows of yellow teeth and black scales dipped in blood, accompanied by a scream and a deafening roar. You became very cold. With a half-attempted scream, you jumped into a light and it all vanished. You found yourself in your dorm room in the academy. You tried to regain better control of your breathing, and wiped the sweat from your brow.

The nightmare faded away, but your thoughts continued. They were only focused on the same thing as this afternoon. Your loss in the ceremony. Just as you started to return to reality, you heard that voice again. The sound of strings in harmony. This time you had control of yourself, and cleared your throat, "Who's there?"

You were answered with the same melody. You weren't quite sure what to do, other than investigate. You grabbed your dagger from the desk and opened your door, peering out into the hall, "Hello?" Looking to your left you saw Link going through the doors leading outside, armed with his sword.

A bit relieved at the company you might have, you chased after him, "Link!" You threw open the door, and saw him off in the distance moving cautiously towards a very strange object, that seemed to float away from him towards the statue of the goddess. You didn't bother to look around for monsters as you ran after him, you were so preoccupied with everything you didn't seem to care. Running up the wooden steps you stopped. Link had just disappeared near the top. Looking through the bars into the goddess' courtyard you didn't see him. You suddenly noticed movement off to your right. Glancing over the side of Skyloft you could see two small figures racing along the edges of cliffs. Not wanting to loose them, you quickly jumped down and sprinted along the grassy slopes. So preoccupied with the mystery of this night, you weren't paying attention to your surroundings.

Suddenly a ball of fur and teeth leapt from the grass and attached to your hip with razor sharp claws, biting into the flesh of your hand. The realization of the moment was what took you by surprise more than the pain. Your tried to wrench it from your hand, but it just clenched its teeth deeper. The pain made you panic, and you swiped your dagger across its back. The remlit released you, and limped away with a squeal. You half felt bad about it, but was soon distracted by Link once again. As you raced after him with your hand bleeding, monsters in all shapes and sizes jumped out of the grass and in from the skies. Your instincts took over, and you ran after Link. The fright of loosing him beneath Skyloft in the middle of the night was overwhelming. You soon found yourself behind the statue of the goddess inside the courtyard. Your jaw dropped as you noticed a mouth of a cave at the base of the statue.

You couldn't see Link anywhere in the courtyard, and your curiosity got the better of you. Taking slow steps into the dark mouth, you braced your dagger. A strange light emanated ahead, and as you walked further forward, you saw a temple room lit brightly by a magnificent sword in Link's grasp. In front of him floated a being of blue and purple, who spoke as you entered, "____. I have been waiting for you." She spoke with the same melody as the voice in your nightmare. Link turned around with an astonished look on his face, "_____?" You wanted to ask many questions, but yet another more familiar voice interrupted you, "Link? ___?" You turned around to see Headmaster Gaepora, "I've had my suspicions, but until now I wasn't sure. Yet here we are in the Chamber of the sword, the very place where it was foretold the youth of legend would one day appear."

"What is going on?" You asked.

The floating spirit began to recite many ancient words, most of which spoke of Link, but the words that caught you were, "With the spirit of the blade at his side, he shall soar over the clouds and plummet below..."/ "...And united with the spirit maiden, shall bring forth a piercing light that resurrects the land."/ "The youth who draws forth the guiding sword shall be known as the goddess's chosen hero, and it is he who possesses an unbreakable spirit."/ "he shall be burdened with the task of abolishing the shadow of apocalypse from the land. Such is his destiny."

You could only breath as this legend started to unfold before your eyes, and the spirit lady continued, "Master, you must embark on a great journey beneath the clouds to the vast realm of the surface."

"What?! The surface!?" You cried, alarmed and excited. When you were young, you would always sneak into the headmaster's library and read for hours about the old legends of the worlds below. As you grew up, you forgot about your dreams to rediscover them, replacing them with the duties of a knight. Now at the mention of those dreams, your imagination and curiosity kindled. The headmaster put his hand on your shoulder, "Calm down, ___. It is his destiny. Though it is no easy task."

"But!" You looked at Link, and tried to hold back your emotions, "Can't I help!?"

The spirit lady turned to you, "____, I do not fully have on record the reason that you carry in this world, but I do know that you will play a large part in this adventure, by simply staying in Skyloft."

You wanted to burst. This whole thing was too much. You couldn't even chase your childhood dreams! Link looked over at you, and seemed to notice, "____. It's the only way to bring Zelda back to safety. Fi will guide me." he gestured to the spirit lady.

Fi stretched out her arms and produced a glowing section of rock, and gave it to Link, "This tablet will illuminate a path through the clouds to the land below. Place it within the alter behind me."

Link walked up to the alter and set the stone into the opening. Soon a bright flash of light came from outside the statue, and Fi nodded, "It is done." WIth those last few words, Fi spun in a light and hid in Link's new sword.

Gaepora walked up to Link, "Link, I know this journey will be difficult, but please, find my daughter and bring her back to me."

You spoke up, "Link, is there anything I can do. Can I come with you?" You asked, afraid of his response.

Link sighed, "I'm afraid I have to do this alone, ____. Just wait for me in Skyloft. I will return. . . I hope."

"Dawn is drawing near. You have a great journey before you, Link, and those clothes don't look up to the task. You will be able to wear your new uniform as a senior in the academy." Gaepora started to walk out with Link, "You and Zelda shall be in my prayers. May the goddess watch over and guide you both."

You wanted to faint, but that isn't the sort of thing one can simply command. How could you sit by and watch Link go off into the unknown?! The worst part about the whole thing was that Fi couldn't even give you your destiny, only advice. Stay in Skyloft. That was exactly the last thing you wanted, and was going to do.


After all this time... Those legends about the surface were true, ARE true! I have a feeling I'm going to long for those lazy summer days soon enough... What if I don't return? Was I right to tell ___ to stay in Skyloft? No! That I know I was right about! I can't bear to see her get hurt.


Ever since Link came back unconscious and Zelda went missing, I've been on high alert during my patrols. All the knights are on edge... Nothing like this has ever happened in Skyloft before! If these occurrences continue, then I don't think we'll have much choice but to recruit more knights. ___ Would be my first pick to have at my side. Karane's been more clingy lately too... Ugh, I like her and all, but...


I can't believe it!! My world is being torn apart!! First I lose the wing ceremony to Link, and now Zelda's missing!? I can't handle all this!!


So... the little goddess managed to escape us did she? Well... She can't run forever! Sooner or later we'll find her, guardians or not! I just hope the prophecies weren't true when they mentioned some 'chosen hero' of the goddess. A small matter if he decides to show his face. I am more than capable of disposing of some mere boy!

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