Eye of The Loftwing

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 As Levias promised, he gave you the last part of the song of the hero. The melody never sounded so becoming. Like it described everything you and Link suffered through on this adventure. The pain and hardships met with courage and honor. Even the love and friendships you've created... With a prayer of good luck from the wise one, you were sent flying back to skyloft to the final silent realm. A feeling of relief and worry swept over you... It was the last one, but you still faced the threat of your spirit being trapped in that world forever.

Saying a quick prayer to the goddess for safety, both you and Link plunged his sword into the trial gate. Your spirit flew into the world unseen, greeted by the familiar steel faces of the guardians. "Oh great..." You sighed as you looked at them with dread.

"Last one... We can do this." Link tried to grab your hand to reassure you, but your sprit forms just waved through each other, "Whoops, forgot about that... You ready?"

"As I'll ever be..." You nodded and burst out of the safety of the circle. That instant terror hearing the guardians wake up jolted your heart as you ran for the first tear. Everything in your body screamed at you to fly as the giant raced towards you, but you forced yourself forward. Focusing on the tear you leapt for it in a mad frenzy. Only after the sky turned back to an eerie blue did you realize you hadn't been cut to pieces.

"Come on, ___ we have to keep moving." Link came up beside you and headed off into the ghost world of Skyloft.

Shaking off your fear, you aimed for the next tear over by the bridge, careful not to get spotted by one of the traveling guardians. Waiting for the right moment you bolted towards the bridge, grabbed the tear and ran off towards the waterfall. The tinkling of bells followed you close behind but soon gave up. You'd never be able to listen to a small bell again without a bad reminder of this place. You ran from tear to tear, occasionally seeing Link running away from a guardian in the distance.

The ghost-like soldiers hovered around their posts, just waiting to wake the dead. Oh how you hated this realm! It's name gave it hardly any credit. Silent it was, but ghoulish, horrifying, and wasted. Definitely.

In an instant, the world turned crimson and the loud thumping of the guardians echoed around you. Fear took over your body as you flew in panic, overlooking a precious tear. Your mind fought back and you realized it was your safety. Digging your heels into the dirt you turned around, and almost screamed. A guardian was right in front of you! In a mad flailing of your limbs you just managed to dodge its blade and roll past him. You couldn't get to your feet! Scrambling across on your belly your fingertips just brushed against the tear before your spirit was crushed.

You lay there curled up and shaking, eyes nit tightly shut and your breath coming in hasty gasps. You didn't want to move. You just wanted it to be over with! The tinkling of a tiny bell caught your ear behind you, and your eyes snapped open. Writhing to your feet, you sprinted away, running full force into...Pipit! Gravity yanked you both to the ground as you landed on his chest. "Pipit?! What are you doing here?!"

Gasping for air, he chuckled, "I live here, in case you've forgotten..."

You heard that bell again and rolled off him in panic. Looking behind you, your mind stopped racing, but your heart didn't, "Well there, I didn't mean to interrupt anything..." The potion shop keeper grinned and wheeled her cart around the two of you, "Don't mind me, I'm just leaving..."

Your heart began to slow down when you realized the sound came from her cart and she slowly creaked away. You also realized you were back in Skyloft. The normal living skyloft at nightfall, and not the silent realm... Link must've gotten the last tear. Relieved, you leaned back on your elbows as Pipit looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes, "Hellooo... Are you there, ___?"

You shook yourself and sighed, "Yeah, I just... Thought I was somewhere else."

"Oh..." His smile widened.

You looked at him curiously, "What's with you?"

"I should ask you the same question... You looked terrified a minute ago." His expression changed solemnly.

You lowered your eyes. How could you explain this to him? "Well... I..."

"Hey, there you are!" Link's voice came running up to you, "I was worried! You didn't come back to the circle in time."

Pipit leaned up on his elbow, "Circle? Is this another mission thing?"

Link tried to smile, "Something like that, but hey!..." He knelt down next to you, "Look what I got!" He held out a bright red jewel the size of his fist, "You recognize it?"

Examining it's perfect cut, like a ruby, you were interrupted by Pipit, "Hey, That looks like the eye of the loftwing!"

"The what?"

Pipit took it from you with awe, excitement glittering in his features, "The missing eye of the loftwing statue over by the falls! Come on!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet, jogging over to a tall stone statue hanging over the edge of Skyloft. Balancing on the edge, he reached up and gently placed it in the cavity where the other ruby should've been. Almost instantly the statue groaned and rotated, opening it's mouth only to shoot out a large cannon ball at the bottom of skyloft. It fell to the surface below leaving a dent in the rock. Nothing else happened...

"Is that what it's supposed to do?" Pipit asked, puzzled.

Link shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe it's a clue or something."

Waiting a bit longer, you were about to open your mouth, but the earth began to tremble, gaining in ferocity. Huge boulders and slabs of rock crumbled away from under the statue of the goddess, tumbling through the clouds below into what was Faron Woods. The trembling increased to the point it was difficult to keep your balance, and your feet were thrown from beneath you. Chaos and sharp screams erupted from your small island in the sky as the base of it was torn apart.

Rocks were blasted in every direction as Link and Pipit threw themselves to the ground. Pipit shielded you with his body from the rubble, covering your heads. A few more blasts echoed sharply behind you, and the trembling ceased. Coughing up dust and debris, you glanced behind you to see clouds of dust surrounding what used to be the bottom of the great temple. It now revealed a stone spiral. A temple no doubt where the triforce was located. Pipit's eyes grew wide, "Oops!"

Through your astonishment, you could hear many angry voices of the townspeople raging towards you. It sounded like a mob!


When I had gotten the last tear, I knew I had to run back to the circle. It was the only way to make sure we got out of this quickly and alive! That feeling of abandoning ___ was terrible though! I remember the first few times she followed me down here... I would've given anything for her not to get mixed up in this, but now... It's hard to imagine leaving her behind. We both have truly changed through all this. Oh no... It looks like we'll finally have to explain ourselves this time.


*still inventing and building small things waiting for your return*


That was so strange... Suddenly ___ comes running around the corner and into me! She was terrified! Like she was running from something, and freaked out because of the shop keeper's bell? I still don't know the full extent of their mission, and what ___ has been through, but now... It looks like we're all in trouble now... Link and ___ can't hide behind lies anymore.


Ah... They have found that secret place where the triforce is kept. Soon, very soon, all this will end and I finally will be able to rule at the side of my master... It's strange how I don't thirst for it like I did when I first met ___. What has she done to me?!

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