Chapter 24 - Trust

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Jason's POV

Madeline pulled a really good move. 'Where is the jail?' She thought. 'There is none.' I said to her. 'Fuck.' She thought. 'Gladly.' I said to her. 'No, not like that.' She thought. I couldn't help but laugh. 'I got Madeline.' I told everyone else. 'She's mine.' I jumped over the fence and went the path that Madeline took. I watched as she climbed into one of the trees in the yard near the pool. I heard her heart rate. It was pretty low once again. She was in her hybrid form. Then, Madi and Brian walked up to me. "How are you gonna get to her?" Brian asked. "I'll get her with a surprise." I said. "Tell Madeline that everyone is gonna be in the cellar because it is getting late and Madi might go berserk if she's outside for too long in her form. Just make that up."

"Ok, then what are you gonna do if she gets down?" Brian asked. "I'm gonna tackle her." I said. "Well, that doesn't happen to us wolves." Madi said. "We just turn back before sunrise. After sunrise, we can choose to change back into our human forms." "Ok, we get it." I said. "Just stick to the plan." Madi and Brian walked towards the cellar. I turned invisible. Then Brian walked up to the tree. "You win, Madeline." Brian said. "We will be in the cellar if you need us." "Alright." Madeline said. "On my way down." Brian teleported behind the bush as the others did too.

I saw Madeline's feet hit the ground from a few feet in the tree. I then ran at her full speed and she turned around a little bit too late. I tackled her to the ground and pinned her arms down. I straddled her torso with my knees. Her yellow eyes looked up at me. "Now you're tagged." I said. "You tricked me." She said. "This was all a setup. Well played. Well played indeed." I transformed into my vampire form and hissed. She just looked at me. Her claws were placed on my wrists. I quickly pulled my hands away, but she took my shoulders and sat up. "You've always wanted to pin me down, haven't you?" She asked. I nodded. "It's like practicing my skills." I said.

She planted a kiss on my cheek. The girls screamed. "So you all were in on it?" She asked. "I SHIP IT!!!" Rachel screamed. She buried her face in my shoulder laughing. "Really?" I said. "You just embarrassed the poor wolf." "My friends do this to me all the time." Madeline said. "I should be used to this by now." "But you're not." I said. She looked at the crowd. "I ship that." She said, pointing to Madi and Brian. "Okay, very funny." Madi said. "What did I do to you exactly?" "Well, you're teamed up with Rachel and you are also thinking the same thing, so you know exactly what you would've done." Madeline said.

Madi sighed. "I guess." she said. "Well, we should go inside. We'll discuss our procedure in Boston." "That sounds good." Allie said. I got up off of Madeline and helped her up. She smiled as we walked into the cellar. "Girls, follow me." Madeline said. What was left in this room was Brian and me. "So, I heard she likes you back." he said. "Yeah." I said. "You happy about that?" he asked. "Definitely." I said. "but im just worried about her." "I'm also worried about Madi." Brian said. "with the whole Shannon thing." "Yeah, I agree." I said. "Annabelle has been haunting her in her dreams. I have had to comfort her through the night to keep her calm and prevent her from crying. She just keeps having flashbacks of the incident. She told me that it is starting to reveal what she did five years ago. She said she blacked out, but she is starting to figure out what she didn't remember." "How much does she remember?" he asked. "She says that she just saw a yellow film of light from her eyes." I said. "However, she is starting to see through the yellow film of light. She doesn't like to talk about it."

Soon, the girls walked back down to the cellar. There was Madeline in a tank top and shorts. She just collapsed in her sleeping bag. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded as I laid down in my sleeping bag beside her. She put her head on my chest. "I just wish I prevented myself from the incident." she said. "We wouldn't be here though." I said. "True." she said. "We are discussing Boston tomorrow." "That's a start." I said. However, when I looked down at her, she was already asleep, still in her hybrid form. "Goodnight, Madeline." I whispered. I eventually fell asleep.


Allie's POV

It was the next morning. I was the first one to wake up. It was only 7:00 am. I laid back down in my sleeping bag just to try to get a little more sleep in. Next thing I knew, I heard screaming. It was followed by another person waking up. I turned towards the sound and there was Madeline. Jason was trying to comfort her again. On the other side, there was Madi, who looked startled. "Everything ok?" I asked. Jason looked at me and I felt a mind connection. 'Flashback again.' he said telepathically. I then asked Madi. 'You okay?' I asked her. She nodded. 'Just a scary memory from my past.' 'What do you mean?' I asked her. 'It's the reason why I am an orphan.' she thought.

'Can you tell me briefly what happened?' I asked her. 'Ok' Madi thought. 'My father was killed and my mother went missing.' 'I'm so sorry.' I said to her. 'But that's why we are helping. You both have us.' 'Thanks again, Allie.' She thought. 'No need to thank me.' I told her. 'Any friend of Madeline's is a friend of mine.' Madi smiled at me. 'I knew I could trust you.' She thought. She got up and sat down next to me. "Thanks Allie." She said. "I'm so glad you could help us." "Well, Shannon and Annabelle teamed up, so I agreed to join the alliance." I replied. "Because whoever wants to hurt Madeline has to go through me first. That also applies to you. You get what I'm saying." "Yea." Madi said. "I never knew that Madeline was actually in the Penobscot area once or twice every year." "She tells me about the races there that are all memorials for her grandmother who died of cancer."

I looked back to see Jason holding Madeline while Madeline is trying to sleep. "My friends and I actually ran the fundraising part in the race." She added. "Since we go to Penobscot schools, we are encouraged to use up our community service hours there. Plus, we knew her as well as our secretary. That's why we call it the Chris K 5k. We always leave when we are done with the shirt sales. And we see her name in the Castine Patriot newspaper, but we were too oblivious to actually realize she is like me until we searched her name when we scouted the rosters for the tournament."

Soon, people started to wake up. "Wow, just in time." Madi said. "Morning." Brian said. "We're you guys up all this time?" He looked at Madi and me. "Yea." Madi said. "I was just talking about the Chris K 5k." "Chris K 5k?" Madeline suddenly said. "You were there? I ran those races. I got first in my age group this past year." "I'll run with you next time." Madi said. "That would be awesome." Madeline said. "Well, everyone is up." I said. "We should start discussing soon." "Yea, good idea." Madeline said. I was just so glad we could all trust each other. I feel, after today, we should be ready enough to take down Shannon and Annabelle.

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