Chapter 19 - compromise

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Rachel's POV

It was 10:00 am and we were starting out vocal warm ups. Good thing I knew these well. I would've been stuck on one and we'd be laughing at the ways they sound and the faces we both make to see who laughs first. After, we played the song and sang through it a couple times. "So, when are we gonna add harmonies?" I asked. "I have an idea." Madeline said. "I'll just sing, and if you want, tell me where you want to jump in." "Alright." I said. She started the song. The first few chords came in and Madeline started singing. "🎵Like a small boat on the ocean, sending big waves into motion.🎵" I went in. "🎶like how a single word can make a heart open. I might only have one match, but. I can make an explosion.🎶"

As she went in with the next part, I just hummed a few tunes in that chord of the song. Then as she went into the chorus, I sang harmony on a lower register. As I kept singing, I then had the melody right before the second chorus. She did her harmony. She did pretty good. I was really impressed with this. Soon, the song ended. "How did you figure all this out?" She asked. "I do my research." I said. "I listen to other covers of harmony."

"Want to take a break?" She asked. "We could have lunch." "Sure." I said. "What do we have?" There was soups, sandwich meats, bread, salad, and pasta. "Well, we could do subway." Madeline said. "My mother gave us money to spend. Or we could go to that sandwich place in Plympton. They have some really good sandwiches there. They also know me well." "Sure." I said. "Let's go there." We got $30 from the stash and we walked out the door, locking it. "How are we gonna get back in?" I asked. "I know the code, so only lock the top." She said. "If the bottom is locked, you're teleporting us in, got it?" "Totally." I said laughing. She laughed too.

We walked the route I took before. "Why are we walking?" I asked. "Cause I feel like it." She said. "Plus, I need to run again." "That works." I said. "Hey, I saw that you texted Jason last night. How did you get his number?" "Madi gave it to me." She said. "I kinda am excited to actually hang out with him. He looks like a guy I knew before I transferred to Middleboro High School." She started to blush through her tan skin and makeup.

I smirked and giggled. "You like him." I said, giggling. "What do you mean?" She said quickly. "You told him to call you by your nickname." I said. "Madi has the same nickname as you. Maddie is yours. You immediately told him to call you that." "Not Wolfie though." She said. "Only I call myself Wolfie. You have to be a genuine friend to call me that." "I don't think you're getting the point." I said. "I have seen you blush and giggle when you were on your phone before you went to sleep last night. I had to look over your shoulder to find out who you were texting. I could only read when you told him to call you Maddie. That's when I kinda figured it out."

She blushed again. "Why did you look through my texts?" She whined. "I thought you were asleep." "Yea, me too." I said. "Stop please." She said, blushing. "You like him, Madeline." I said. "No denying that. You gotta tell me all about your weekend. Tell me if he gets caught up in a moment with you. I wanna hear the details. And tell Madi too." "Ugh, fine." She said, blushing again.

Soon, we were there. We ordered our sandwiches and ate there. We then walked back and arrived at Madeline's house. "We got to pick out an outfit for the concert." I said. "Ok, what do you got? Hmm? Ooh! How about this?" I grabbed a purple scoop neck shirt with three blue sequin hearts on the side. I then took a pair of capris that cropped at the end. Then, I found a pair of brown combat boots. "What do you think?" I asked. "Well, I don't wear this shirt without this." Madeline said. she took out a white thin jacket. "I could roll the cuffs up to my elbows." She said. "I love this outfit. You're good at this."

"Anytime, Madeline." I said. "I would love to help." "How was your sandwich by the way?" She asked. "Really good." I said. "That place in Plympton needs to expand as soon as possible." "Yes, I totally agree." She said. "They're awesome, yet a small place." We walked to the piano in her room and we were gonna discuss harmonies. "So, how do you want to add your harmonies?" She asked. "Well, I only want to do my part as melody only in the verses." I said. "I want to sing harmony in everything else. I have always sung harmony in my school choir in Bangor." "You were in a choir?!" Madeline screamed in excitement. "Me too! I am in concert choir at my school. I'm a soprano 1." "Well, duh." I said. "I'm an alto."

"Well, why don't we run through it one more time." She said. "I hope this compromise works. Want to start? Madi starts Unsteady." "Sure." I said. "That works." The song started and I started singing the first part of the first verse. Madeline sang the second part of the verse. Then, I started the harmony when Madeline sang the bridge and the chorus. Then we went into the second verse. She started the first part of the second verse. Then, I sang the second part as Madeline sang some harmony.

It was back to my harmony in the bridge and chorus. Finally, the final verse we split up again. Then we took turns singing each line in the first part of the chorus. When I sang the third part before the harmony split, Madeline sang in harmony, but in a higher register. I was impressed. Then we ended the song with my low harmony and Madeline singing the last part before the song ending. When the song ended, we both screamed. "That was amazing." I screamed. "I agree." She said. "Do you think we are ready for the concert?" "I think so." I said. "Here." She said. "Take this cd of a recording of my voice. Harmonize with me." "Thanks." I said.


Madeline's POV

It was now Wednesday and it was Rachel's last day of rehearsal. We were singing the song a lot while cleaning the basement. "How many sleeping bags?" Rachel asked. "About ten." I said. "We already have seven." "Okay." She said. "I'm gonna place them now. With Jason's and yours side by side." "Alright, you just had to go there." I said, blushing. "I'll prove to you that he likes you, Madeline." She said. "Well, for one, you're gorgeous. I love your hair. Your figure is one thing he'd wanna-" "okay, I get it." I said. "You're hair is crazy by the way. I like the blue." "Thanks." She said. "I normally dyed my hair dark blue and it lightened up as it went down the hair and to the ends. Then, I let my hair grow out and touch up the ends."

It was now 4:00 pm. "Hey, I have to go." Rachel said. "I'll see you Monday. I'm gonna bring the cd, clothes, and my softball uniform." "Alright." I said. " I'll see you then." "Have fun with Jason." She said. I laughed. I waved as she snapped her fingers. Ice surrounded her and she disappeared. I texted Jason.


Madeline: She left.


Jason: OK. On my way

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