Chapter 23 - Manhunt

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Madeline's POV

We finished our dinner. "This was amazing." Madi said. "We don't have this close by in Maine." "I agree." I said. "I go up there to visit my grandparents often. There is no Subway in Kennebunk." I got a confused look. "Ok, it's a rest area for travelers for any restroom breaks and food." I added. They finally got an idea out of what I said. "So, what do you wanna do?" Laura asked. "Let's play manhunt." Lilly said. "Like old times when we were on the Wolves. Did you guys do that when you were on Lady Sting?" "Only on my first year." I said. "That was four years ago. Alright. Let's make teams. Madi and I are captains. No, wait. The boys are captains."

Jason and Brian stood on either side of the room. "Alright." Lilly said. "Rock paper scissors to see who picks first." They seemed to do it in their mind because Brian picked first. "Madi." He said. "Which one?" I joked. "Treble." He said, laughing." "Madeline." Jason said. Madi and I separated to our teams. "Alright." Brian said. "Mina. Let's get a Lady Sting girl on here." "Then, I choose Lilly." Jason said. "Melissa." Brian said. "Rachel." Jason said. "Allie." Brian said. "Laura." Jason said. "Alright." I said. "Who hides first?" "You guys." Brian said. "Good luck. We will give you them minutes." We walked upstairs into the kitchen.

"Alright." Jason whispered as we walked into my room. I put the air conditioner on so they couldn't hear us. "We will split up." He added. "Madeline will go with me and you three will go together." He pointed at Rachel, Laura, and Lilly. "I'll be speaking to you both through my mind." Lilly said. "And no turning invisible." I walked to the stairs. "Before we hide, no one turning invisible." I called. "It won't be fair to the wolves." "That works." Brian called back. "Now hide." I walked back into my room. "Ok, now teleport." I said to the group. I took Jason's hand and everything went black.


Lilly's POV

Rachel, Laura, and I found this clearing. It was fenced on the other side. We were near Madeline's car and Allie's car. We then saw a path and decided to go down there. It was a bridge without its side rails. Probably ripped off from the recent hurricanes. We then saw two paths. I waved my hand and I gained memory of the two paths so I knew where to go. I started walking, but my foot kicked something. It yelped. It was Madeline. "Really?" Madeline asked. "That hurt. You ended up kicking me below the ribs." "Oops. Sorry." I said. "No worries." She said. "I know a great place where my father drives his ATV. Go there." "Got it." I said as I ran off. Rachel and Laura followed behind.

I looked back to see Madeline and Jason in the brambles they seemed to blend in as they both were wearing dark colors. Clever. We ran down the path and ended up at a clearing that the ATV made. Tire tracks were visible. We decided to go into the brambles. I waved my hand and instantly knew the way out of the brambles no matter how deep we were. I waved my hand and the possible of getting poison ivy was down to zero. "Just to be safe." I whispered. "Good call." Laura whispered. "Yea, one problem." Rachel whispered. "I'm not as fast as you guys." "She'll be running with me." Laura said. "Alright." I said. "I guess I'm on my own. Works for me." Then I felt a connection. 'We're gonna find you now.' Brian told me. The game was finally beginning.


Shannon's POV

I had Kelli and Annabelle over my house. "Who are we recruiting?" Kelli asked. "What about those two boys?" "Drake and Luke?" I asked. "They failed to to as I said." "But Jason was there with Madi and Lilly." Kelli said. "So that's why." I said. "Jason seemed to do all the work. Okay. So when Madi and Madeline transform, Drake captures Madeline and Luke captures Madi. Annabelle, what do you know about singing werewolves?" "They sing a song to prevent them from transforming, but if their ears are drowned out and they can't hear themselves, then they transform." Annabelle said. "Or if they accidentally sing their transformation song, then they transform. Madeline's song is Titanium by Sia, but it's the cover by Madilyn Bailey." "Good to know." I said. "I'm gonna make sure the Lady Blaze and Lady Sting plays each other in the championship. So I'm gonna push my team to the end myself in the outfield." "Dude, Madi and Madeline are like the same person." Annabelle said. "Madeline threw out ten people so far this season and that's half the season and same as Madi." "So now you defend them?" I demanded. "I took a peak through all the score books of both teams." She said. I thought for a moment. "Oh." I said.

"Then let's invite the boys over." Annabelle said. "I will invite my boyfriend too." I already texted them to be on their way to my new house in Milford. Annabelle put down her phone as well. "What's your boyfriend's name?" I asked. "Ryan." Annabelle said. "He has this perk. When he's at his highest point in his powers, his eyes turn white. So you'll see blank eyes after red eyes." Kelli's and my jaw dropped and Annabelle just smiled. Soon, we heard three teleport sounds. There was Drake. His brown hair was now spiky. He had a red plaid button down shirt and jeans. "Never knew you lived here now." He said. "Please, it's my summer house." I said. Then another one appeared. It was Luke. He now had black hair in an emo cut. "OMG!" I said. "You and Kelli are perfect for each other." "This wasn't for Kelli." He said in defense. "It still looks really good." Kelli said. Then Ryan teleported into the room. He had a cyan short sleeve shirt and jeans. He looked familiar. "Hey Annabelle." He said. "Hey." She said. "Your eyes still turn white?" He laughed. "Yeah." He said. Soon, his red eyes disappeared leaving his eyes blank. "Why don't you use that power against Madeline?" Annabelle asked. "What?" He asked. "Madeline is alive still? Where is she?" He was pounding his fist into his hand. "We are in the same tournament with her and we were wondering if you can help us." I said. "Oh, and Madi too." Drake and Luke looked at me. "We are in." They said. "And I'm helping Annabelle." Ryan said.


Madeline's POV

It was the third round and we hid, but in new teams. Madi and I switched teams. I hid with Brian, Allie, Mina, and Melissa. Madi was with Lilly, Laura, Rachel, and Jason. I his with Brian and the other three hid someplace else.

Then, after ten minutes, I saw flashlights. We were kneeling. "Brian get down." I whispered as I pulled him down with me. "Into the brambles." I added. I watched them walk by us. Just then, Madi stopped when she passed us. "You smell that?" She asked. "I don't know." Laura said. "Do you think some one is here?" Jason asked.

'fuck.' I thought. 'Brian, get ready to teleport us to the bridge.' 'Got it.' He said telepathically. Madi turned around and shined the flashlight in our direction. She caught a glimpse of my red hair. "Madeline!" She exclaimed."I got this one." "Now!" I screamed. Everything went black and soon we were on the bridge. "Run!" Brian yelled taking my hand. I started running and my hands touched the ground as I gained speed. Soon, I was fast as him. Thank god I was wearing sneakers.

We went into a clearing of the lawn I mowed. We ran down the hill and I took his arm and we went near the fence around the pool. The fence was locked. "Damnit." I screamed. Brian quickly covered my mouth and pulled me to the wall. 'They got us.' Allie said to me. 'What about you guys?' 'We got away.' I thought. 'Good.' She said. 'We need you guys.'


Madi's POV

Jason and I walked to the front lawn. "Damnit!" I heard Madeline scream. "Found them." I whispered. "Just wait. And then we will go to either side of them." Jason waved his hand. "Madeline is gonna jump up when she sees you." He said. "I'll be up there and I'll see if I can get her." "And I'll get Brian." I said. "And I know you like him." He said. I blushed and punched him in the stomach. He didn't budge. "Let's just find them and get this over with." I said, blushing. "I'll be sure to embarrass you in any way I can." He said. "And Brian and I will do the same thing to you and Madeline." I sighed as we crept down. I went further with my flashlight.


Madeline's POV

Brian kept his hand on my mouth as there was a single flashlight going down the hill. 'Leap up if she comes around the corner.' Brian said telepathically. 'Ok.' I thought. 'So get your hand off my mouth or I will lick it.' He took his hand off my mouth quickly because of what I said. Next thing I knew, Madi came around the corner. I transformed into my hybrid form as she did the same. I leapt onto the ledge and went for the clearing beside the wooden fence. Then, Jason popped out in the clearing. "Nowhere to run, darling." He said. "You stand corrected." I said as Brian got tagged by Madi. I leapt over the fence and ran across the turf of the garden and over the other fence. I ran around my car and Allie's car and towards the pool. I was the only one left as a hider.

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