29 - Sirens

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I regained conciousness.

Had I been knocked out? Why was I here? What was here?

I looked around me. Burgundy twin beds were pushed againt each and every wall. This room seemed to be made out of hard solid wood. Iwas on the floor, my head was throbbing. I could taste sticky blood in my mouth. I could barely see.

What had happened to me?

However, as I began to slowly get to my feet, everything came back. How Silk had been in the Commanding Room. How she had nearly beat me to death with my father's baseball bat. How she had let down the barrier in our struggle.

I felt sick to my stomach now. My world, the world I knew, was in danger. 

I tried to walk only to trip over my feet, back on to the wooden floor. My clothes were damp with what I realized was blood. I couldn't breathe through my nose. Panic settled over me and I just couldn't get a breath. 

I had to breathe!

I fumbled on the floor until finally I managed to start breathing through my mouth. With trembling fingers, I tried to touch my nose - it was broken. It was numb to the touch. I stared at my fingers. I seen the blood. I felt like throwing up.

I couldn't walk. I couldn't walk so I crawled instead. I crawled to the door and just reaching up for the knob alone was painful. There was a pain somewhere near my abdomen. Near the scar tissue of my tree branch incident was.

I pulled up my shirt. I didn't like seeing the wounds yet I couldn't help but search for them. Round, purple bruises were all over my sides and stomach. If I looked at the right angle, I could see more on my back.

However, I felt like my face got the worst of it because I felt consumed in flames. If only I had a mirror.

I reached up again for the door knob, trying not to cringe back.  I hastily turned the knob, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked.

Now a new horror came over me. If I was stuck in here, how would I warn everyone about what Silk had just done. Would I be locked in here forever? If everyone was being attacked, would anyone think to check the old soldier barracks?

I crumpled against the door, trying to hold back tears. I was in so much pain. So much pain that I felt like sleeping. Going into a nice long sleep....one that would last forever.....

"Its a concussion, Alina, wake up!" Suddenly, I seen Ms. Newton. She was kneeling over me. We were back in the Cherry Mansion. Near the picture of George Washington. In the beautiful architecture that was the hallway. 

She shook me again. "Alina, wake up, don't lose me!"

I try to swat her away but I was too weak. So instead I turned over. "Leave....me..." I couldn't even finish my sentence, I just tried to close my eyes.

"Alina, do this for me," I heard her cry out. "For life!"

I force my eyes open even though sleep desperately clung to me. I had to stay awake. This was a concussion. I could die and never wake up. However, the more I fought the more harder it became.

"Alina, focus!" Maddie was now beside Ms.Newton, her eyes glaring down on me. "Don't be so weak!"

Then, I started to see faces; Maddie, Ms. Newton, Isaac, David, Christine's parents, even hunters who I didn't even know. They were all crying out my name. Some looked angry. Some were somber. Yet they were all shouting at once, shaking me violently.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I tried to block myself but it was like my arms were pinned to my sides.

I kicked with my legs and suddenly I couldn't even see where I was. Just their faces surrounding me.

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