28 - Hatred

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I was frightened of the sinister glint in Silk's eyes as she strolled around the room, touching every button and switch. I was struggling to get to my feet but that was one hell of a punch she gave me. I had no idea Silk was that strong.

"Silk, what is this?" I managed.

Silk laughed. "Well wouldn't you like to know." I saw her lunge me before she actually did. Her face contorted into a hate-filled scream. With all my strength, I sent her flying into my knuckles. I actually felt the rip of my own skin as she cried and fell back.

Knuckles bleeding, I staggered to my feet.  I had to get help. I had to alert someone that Silk was here. God knows what the hell she was doing.

I got to the door, trying to unlock it, however my hands felt limp and painful.

Then I felt something hard knock into my back, taking the breath out of me. I didn't even have time to cry out as I fell foward, hitting my head against the hard knob. The pain struck me like lightning but I movied over anyway, trying to get a good view of Silk.

Her blonde hair was tangled, her blue eyes wild. She hovered over me - and to my horror, she had the baseball bat in her hand, raising it over me.

My hands immediately flew to protect my face as I tried once again to roll away. However, I was too slow and I felt the burn of the bat hitting my hands. The pain was so much that I literally had tears in my eyes.

It was scary to realize now that Silk wasn't looking to hurt me. She wanted to kill me.

Another hit and this time I felt a horrible crack in my jaw and more excruciating pain. I couldn't even scream now and I felt warm, sticky blood all over my face. "W-w-why?" I managed and I could hear the hoarse sound that came from my own mouth.

"This is my revenge, Alina," Silk's voice was calm. "You've ruined my life."

I tried crawling to the door again, using my bruised hands. However, every touch on the metal floor sent painful shivers through my body. 

I felt the bat knock hard into my head and stars once again danced across my vision. Silk was unfocused now but she was still steadying the bat in her hands, ready for another strike. 'I'm going to be beaten to death'.

That was not the way I wanted to die. I'd survived Sixth, handfuls of them at the most. No way was I going to be killed with a baseball bat by Silk of all people.

"H-H-how did I...." I couldn't even finish my sentence and I felt my body collapse on the metal ground again, sending shocks through me.

"You ruined my betrothal," Silk was gritting her teeth and she raised the bat over her head again. I rolled over and she hit the floor. "But you wanna know what the most horrible thing you've ever done to me?"


"You tried to steal Leya from me, the only person I can really call my family," She cried. "My sister. Then you let her be taken by those sickos!"

It only made me angry. All Silk's reasons were so petty and childish. Was this really worth killing me over?

I was relieved that I didn't get another hit with the bat. Instead Silk, bat in hand, walked back over to the controls. She angrily began to push buttons, letting out frustrated cries when none of them worked.

"W-what are..."

"I have to get Leya back," Silk laughed. "You see, Alina, I had to make a deal with the devil. I'm not proud of it but at least things will go back to normal. She promised me I'd get Leya back. Killing you will fix my betrothal."

Then she turned to me, a sick look on her  -what everyone thought was beautiful - face. "See how everything is working out?"

Deal with the devil? Silk had mentioned this devil was a she. A pit came about in my stomach and I felt like throwing up. Or maybe that was from the hits to my back, jaw and head.  Could the devil be Elena? Elena must have made the deal with her....while we were on the spree.

Silk was looking back at the controls, never paying attention to the gray switch to the side of her. The switch to let down the barrier.

It hit me that that was Silk's mission. She had made a deal with Elena. A similar deal Elena had offered me. To bring down the barrier to get her loved one back. Leya had not been killed. She had been captured, like David, for bait.

"Were you the-the one to ki-kill all...."

"You mean Ethan Weaver?" Silk still looked at the controls. "Yes, I killed him."

I managed to gasp. Everything was coming into place.

"A-and the-the..."

"Tree bark note?" Silk giggled. "Yes, that was me."

However, that would mean Silk had made the deal long before we went on the spree. She wasn't telling me everything.

Silk groaned again, pressing a red button. 

"But w-w-why?"

"I originally made a deal with Alec," Silk turned to me, a devilish smile on her face. "I knew he was a Sixth the minute he came here. I didn't like how close you'd gotten to Dylan at the party so I was going to take matters into my own hands. He kidnapped Christine to lead you to Elena,

"You were supposed to be dead or a Sixth. Either way, you weren't going to be flirting with Dylan anymore." She shrugged, turning back to the controls.

"Now what is this?" Silk muttered, looking towards the gray switch.

I was immediately alert. The Station was my home. It was where millions took refuge for safety. For Silk to put millions in danger just for her petty highschool scorn was ridiculous. I realized lives were depending on me. Me to stop this sick girl.

I forced myself to get up, the action was so painful that I literally sobbed. However, I pushed into Silk, pressing her head against the glass that overlooked the other offices. She squirmed under my hands, trying to elbow me.

However, I wasn't that strong.

Silk gave me one right in the nose but that pain wasn't as bad as my broken jaw. I stumbled back and Silk seemed to be ready for another strike. She steadied the bat, swinging. I managed to grab the bat before it could make contact. 

This quickly turned into a tug of war. Silk pulling at the baseball bat and me trying my hardest to hang on. "Let go, you bitch!" She screeched.

I just tried to hold my ground but instead I fell back, bringing the bat down with me. 

However, that wasn't enough. To my horror, Silk stumbled back, her body knocking the gray switch foward.

We both froze, watching the barrier on the camera. First, the metal blockade rose, giving anyone outside a clear view of the station. There were many out and about at the square, all in the way of attack. 

The soldiers who had been watching the barrier sprang up, guns and stakes ready. They all seemed alarmed and surprised.

Then, slowly, the blue tinted barrier that protected life here at Station Three rolled up. 

Screams erupted at the square.

Then I felt something hard ram into my head. 

Everything went black.

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