18 - Conner

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'My name is Alina Rale. I'm eighteen years old. I'm a suspended Hunter. My father is the commander of Station Three. My sister's secret boyfriend has been kidnapped by our vampiric mother. My bestfriend has been bitten by a Sixth. I have a complicated relationship with the boy I've been crushing on for years. I was partly deaf.'

I repeated this to myself, closing my eyes and trying to pretend things could get better. When I open my eyes, all I see is Silk, Dylan, Jeff, and Conner (whose name I just learned) huddled around, whispering.

No solution was available to me. None. I was on my own and the more I told myself this, the more I accepted it.

"You okay, Alina?" Conner had taken a seat on the ground beside me, his medical gear wrapped around his neck. He was the shortest out of all of us and looked more like a thirteen year old than eighteen.

I forced a laugh. "Yeah, just thinking, I guess."

Conner watched me closely, almost calculating my every move.

I frowned. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He blinked twice, almost surprised. "Oh, sorry," He sighed. "I just don't understand people when they talk so fast. Its hard to keep up."

"Oh," I gasped, realizing what he meant. "Oh."

"Its not so bad, y'know." Conner smiled cheerfully, something I didn't expect. 

"Well, how do you know my name?" I asked, deciding to switch the subject. It was best not to dwell on his situation, no matter how okay with it he seemed.

He laughed. "You're the commander's daughter! How could I not?" He talked about my Dad like he was his hero.

"Sorry," I laughed softly."Well, you're pretty strong for a kid."

"I'm not a kid," He said sternly. "But I wouldn't say I'm strong. I'd say you are."

I almost laughed in his face again. "Me?"

Conner nodded. "I've heard you story. Your friend was bitten by a Sixth and David was taken. If that was happening to me, I would probably break down and give up.....but you're strong. I haven't seen you cry once."

I could feel tears gathering in my eyes and I looked up at the sky, using my sleeves to wipe them away. "I've actually cried plenty of time or wanted to , at least," I looked back down at Conner and he was staring at me, confused.

I realized I hadn't been looking at him as I spoke. "Sorry, I forgot."

"Its okay." He smiled warmly.

"Say?" I asked. "How old are you?"

Conner looked around our campground as if he were afraid he'd be over heard. However, Silk, Dylan, and Jeff were busy looking at parchment paper. Silk was talking as she pointed at various things.

"I'm twelve," He said, blushing. "I'm not even supposed to be on this trip but I just like helping people," And then he sat up straighter. "I want to be a doctor someday and find a cure."

I sighed. "So you believe in a cure too?"

His face fell and he faultered in his confidence. "Well, isn't it a disease?"

"Yeah," I encouraged him lightly. "It is. I'm just relieved someone else believes theres a cure. Maybe the more believers-"

"The more effort will go into finding a cure." He finished, smiling wide.

"Maybe when we get back...."

"We will." Conner said as if he were certain.

Silk had developed a whole in plan in just one hour. None of us questioned her authority anymore.. We were all just glad someone was taking charge. We would get back to the station, stakes at the ready. Simple as that.

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