Part twelve:

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After a while, Alec lifted his head that was placed on mine, we were still in the pet shop. "Okay..." He had taken the kitten out of my hands." Now this is my kitten, you have to go and choose yours now." My eyes widened.... "Another one?!?!?" I squealed jumping up and down on the spot. "Yes another one Magnus the display windows are just round the back." His smile was wider than ever, clearly happy with the excitement that filled my eyes. 

I took no time to think and followed the signs to where the kittens were, it was a kitten wonderland... My kind of heaven (besides Alec). I crouched down to the level of the display Windows inspecting every one... Until I came across a lonely Bengal cat sat in the corner away from the others that were showing off in the front of the window. "This one." It was definite, a  woman was stood behind me, a member of staff, and had grabbed the tiny heap in the rear of the window. A small meow came from its mouth and it did so the whole way home.

Finally we arrived home to let the kittens settle in. "Alec I think I know what I'd like to call my one... Chairman meow. I mean because he clearly does love to meow." I placed chairman down on the floor leaving him to scuttle off and explore the apartment. "That's pretty smart." Alec agreed with my decision, stroking the back of his kittens head from its temple to its neck. The furry blob was like a small ping pong ball in Alec's hands. He was tiny. "I know what I'd like to call my little one.... Church. He seems very down to earth and quite.... I think it suits." Alec kissed the top of Church's head and then too let him down on the floor.

Having an apartment with little kittens running around was such a beautiful sight. But what got me most was that Alec wanted to start a family with me....

"Right.... I'm cooking you dinner tonight just the two of us here. Well and the kittens." Alec took both my hands in his whilst he looked into my eyes, as if he was assuring me that tonight was going to be perfect... And I didn't doubt it. "Alec... Did I mention how lucky I am to be in love with you?" I whispered in his ear as I pulled him in for a hug. "Magnus, we are from two completely different worlds yet you're the only one who taught me the true meaning and value of love. So yes it's more like I am the lucky one." Alec hugged me tighter moving his hands down to my hips when he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. For the past year I have looked at this man in every possible way, and I love him in each and every one.

It came to around 6:00pm when Alec started dinner, the table was laid out with a white cloth and thin tall candles on each side. It was a two person table to which me and Alec sat opposite each other with of course, a single white rose in the middle of the table.

Alec was an amazing cook, we had aged rump steak with mixed salad and vegetables. It was one of the best meals I have ever had, along with a red wine Alec found which turned out to be the wine we drank on our first date. The romance was in the air and I have never been so in love. We were mid conversation when Alec's phone rang, it was an unknown number but Alec looked a little worried.... He let it ring off. But it rang again,the same number. "I'm so sorry Magnus I'm gonna have to take it, it must be the fight club." Alec picked up the phone but left the dinning room table and into our bedroom closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with the unfinished bottle of wine and empty plates.

Thoughts raced through my mind, Alec had been getting calls like this every now and again. In the beginning I didn't think much of it but it started to worry me after a while.... Why did he always leave the room? Why couldn't I be involved in his life?

......what if it's Kieran?

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