Part twenty five:

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We needed to hurry, Isabelle seems to think Simon's in trouble and it won't be long until either Kieran wakes up or Brad comes back. I gently swung Alec up into my arms, cradling him like the most precious thing in the world.... he is my world. I'm not very strong but it's clear Alec needs me, so I provided him with everything left I had to give.

We quickly passed through the containers tracing back to the way we came. I could feel Alexander growing weak and cold in my arms with the occasional wines of pain slipping off of his shivering lips. His left hand placed on my chest as if he was trying to clasp onto the sound of my heart beat.
"Isabelle... how much longer? I don't know if I can carry him... I don't know how long he has..." I became breathless by the aches in my legs and arms, but I was determined not to give up that easily... I had to keep going. But before Isabelle could answer, Simon's car came into view the white headlights blazing in our eyes and all doors swung wide open.

I couldn't see much but I could hear the tapping of Isabelle's heels run across the concrete ground. I too followed her and placed Alec against the car, on the other side of Isabelle, as he clenched onto his ribs. Catching my breath I could hear Isabelle whimper.
"Isabelle what's wrong?" I shielded my eyes from the light as I quickly stepped into the car and turned them off. But before she could answer I already knew.
"He's gone Magnus, they must of taken him... he's not here." I could see Isabelle's eyes turn red, matching the colour of her lips. She started pacing next the car clutching her hair in her hands.
"Isabelle please calm down, I know everything is a mess, we'll find him. We found Alec... " thinking I could make her stop pacing, matters got worse, Isabelle began repeatedly kicking the side of the car... until we heard something coming from behind it.
"What was that?" Isabelle stopped and walked around to the boot of the car, I followed her. I hit the top of the boot... yet one replied. A sudden scream of help wailed from inside. Without thinking I ran back to the front of the car and popped the boot... and to my surprise Simon laid curled up in a ball of the trunk.

"Simon WHAT on earth are you doing in the trunk?!?!" Isabelle seemed angry but she was more relieved.
"I was sat in the car listening to some of my old cassettes and mix tapes when these two big guys start walking towards the car in the distance. So before they got near I jumped in the trunk to hide!" Simon was breathless but we managed to help him out of the trunk, and doing so Isabelle embraced him into a hug.
"But we better hurry, they said they'll be back and that was around 10 minutes ago... I don't know how long we have left." Taking what Simon said into consideration, I grabbed Alec and we all drove off in the car. As Simon continued to babble on about the horror of the continuous banging that occurred when he was in the trunk, he was more excited to find that Alec was rescued unlike him.

" where are we going??" Isabelle was at the wheel of the car in need of directions of a location. I stumbled in my thoughts ... hospital or a safe place?
"We need a safe place Isabelle, somewhere with medical supplies as well." I was sat in the back of the car with Alec stretched along the two seats, his head resting on my lap.
"Wait Magnus... I think I have a place." Isabelle  pressed the breaks of the car and reversed back down the road and swerved forward around the previous corner.
"And where is that may I ask?" Simon was sat curious in the passenger seat.

"T-the ca-castle." Alec whispered under his breath. "The castle? Where's that?" I replied.
"It's a place me and Alec would go when mum and dad were fighting, it's an old show house they have down the street of our old house. There's a basement there that we made as our den... there's everything we need there." Isabelle explained to me where we were going when it wasn't long until we arrived.  But Alec was getting worse, his lips turning blue and his eyes were struggling to stay open.

I've never been so afraid of loosing something in my entire life, but then again nothing has ever meant more to me than Alec has.

And that's fact.

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