Part thirty three:

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Me and Alexander had been sat there for what felt like forever, it was nice to have some time to ourselves... after Alec had finished speaking about his parents we just sat silently whilst his arms were wrapped around me and mine around him.

In reality it had only been about five minuets, that's when Isabelle and Simon returned with a small duffle bag. I immediately stood up and assisted Alec as he joined me,
"Let's walk back to the turnings, we can show you what we picked up on the way... we've already wasted so much time I don't want to waste anymore." Isabelle was determined to get going, Simon even more so.

The pace seemed to quicken as we retraced our steps down the tunnel, Isabelle ahead of us still clutching the duffle bag close to her chest.
"Izzy... what did you find?" Alec seemed genuine but almost as if he knew that it was something Isabelle wanted to keep from him.

As we continued walking Isabelle shifted Alec a quick glance and started to open the bag. I helped Alexander shuffle closer to Isabelle so he was next to both her and the bag, as she reached in side she pulled out a leather bound book with the title 'two lost children' engraved across the top.

Alec gently squeezed my hand.
"Izzy... why did you even bother picking that up?" Alexander almost seemed agitated.
"Alec... come on, dad always used to read this story to us... you used to love it... we used to love it." Isabelle peered down at the fairytale book, whilst keeping a steady pace.

" Emphasis on 'used to' " Alec muttered under his breath and Isabelle shifted another glance her face a light pink shade of embarrassment.
"Isabelle what else did you find?" I tried awkwardly to break the unnerving silence that crept through the tunnel.

Isabelle almost snapped out of some kind of daze as the book was still tightly held with in her hands and once again rummaged through the bag once placing the book back inside.
"I found an old first aid kit and a couple of my dads old t-shirts... I thought you guys might of wanted to change." Isabelle stared at mine and Alec's tops, both covered in stains of blood.

Alec looked up at the bundle of tops in Isabelle's hand, he seemed hesitant but agreed that it was best if he changed. Alec was able enough to change his top as we walked but I was insistent on standing close by in case he needed any support.

As Alec slowly took off his slightly torn shirt his bruised core was revealed, the same tattoos swirling round his strong chest mildly hidden by various healing cuts. It was hard to see him like this, weaker than normal... almost damaged beyond the point of  recognition.

"Oh Alexander..." I mumbled under my breath but loud enough for Alec to hear, I became red in the face, as Alec looked over at me a clear expression of hurt mixed with him trying hard to conceal the pain of simply changing a shirt.
"It's okay... I'm fine..." Alec's eyes squinted, I could see Isabelle quickly look and look away... I could tell she also found it difficult to see him like this.

Once Alec had changed his shirt, I too changed mine whilst Simon kindly offered to keep Alec steady as we carried on walking.

I miss how it used to be .... I know everyone says these sorts of things when they're in these situations, but I miss when we didn't have any worries, just me Alec and the day. Now we only worry about the days ahead...

But it's true and may be cliche .... I miss it...

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