Part nineteen:

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Alec leaned in and kissed me, our lips were joined together by the tears that kept running down my face. I pushed him off my chest, the pain still unbearable and making me weak.

"Alec, no. This doesn't make up for it. I don't know if I can ever forgive you. You didn't save me that night at the club because you wanted to. You didn't take me home because you wanted to help. And you didn't get into a relationship with me because you loved me. It's all fake Alec.... Complete fiction." I sat down on my side of the bed.

"Magnus.... I know what I've done is completely unforgivable. But you need to know that this isn't fake. I do love you. Yeah my job was to try and find this money, but it all changed... I didn't know this was going to happen... I fell in love with you." he sat beside me and held my hand.

"Alec you've hurt me too many times, there's nothing left of me you've completely torn me down. It's like I've been beaten and bruised to what feels like beyond repair."
"Magnus I'm sorry. And I know that that's not good enough and it's not going to cut it but you have to believe me. Everything I said to Kieran at Fairchilds was just to keep him off track. So he didn't know I was falling in love... That I care about you."

He slipped off the bed and crouched down in front of me. "No Alec you're not sorry for what you did.... You're just sorry I found out."
"Magnus please that's not true."
"How can I even believe you? How do I know that you're not lying because that's all you've been doing lately. " I looked cold and hard into his eyes. "Magnus I just ripped up a check that I was meant to give to my boss for you." He had his hand on my knee.
"But it wasn't yours to rip. Yes I don't want it, it's not worth anything to me, the money is filth. But you shouldn't of done that."
"What else was I meant to do Magnus. If I had given it to Kieran or if Kieran finds out I have it, he can do a lot of bad with it Magnus. I think it was best to do so. Kieran had gone too far with his trail of thought, who knows what can happen?" Alec looked generally worried, it looked too real to be fake.

"Am I meant to trust what you say now. What on earth can he do with that money there's simply too much." I was intrigued to know.
"Kieran needs money to bail and old friend out of prison. With the money they're going to start up illegal businesses and gangs Magnus. Trust me it's a nasty pursuit." Fear was riddled on his face. I stood up and walked into the kitchen when Alec followed.

"So what now? The money's gone. What are you going to tell Kieran?" He clearly had not thought this through. This could be very bad. " Magnus I don't really know. I'm going to have to talk to Kieran. I'm going to have to explain." Alec sat on the stool next to me under the counter. His head was buried in his hands and his face became more pale than usual.

"Alec listen. You need to think about this. If Kieran is as bad as you say he is, who knows what will happen when you tell him you tore up the money?" I sat down next to him, my hand resting on his back. "I'm so sorry Magnus... You where dragged into this mess and now it's getting dangerous." I could hear him sniffle into his hand. "Alec I should of done something with that money long ago. Got rid of it some how. Then you wouldn't have had to be in this mix-up." I lifted his head up and embraced him into a hug. I wrapped my arms behind his neck whilst he folded his around my waist. I've never seen Alec so afraid before. This was serious.

"Alec, don't be so reluctant to sort this out. I'm here with you... It's okay." Before, I was so angry with him, I hated him for what he was doing... But by the sound of it he was just scared. He was scared of what would happen if he didn't go through with Kieran's mission.

I had to help. He needs my help.... He needs me.

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