Part two:

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After a few stumbles along the way, we reached Alec's shabby car on the corner of Idris street. The car was a red Ford Fiesta a 2000 model, the paint was pealing and the seats were trashed with fast food wrappers.

"I know it's not much, but it's all I've really got... Sorry for the mess." He looked embarrassed as he quickly rummaged and removed the rubbish from his car. Before his quick clean up, he gently laid me down against a post next to his car, for a man so muscular and strong, I've never been handled so gentle in my life.

After a few minutes of organising, Alec had cleared the back passenger seats for me to lay down on. Yet again he helped me to my feet, but this time he had scooped me up into his arms. My head was against his chest and I could hear his heart pounding , was he nervous?

I had never felt so safe in my life than in those few seconds.... With a complete stranger.

He placed me down on the backseat of his rusted car, strapping the belts in a crossed over way so I don't slid off... How embarrassing would that be!

After I was in securely, Alec shut the door and walked around the back of the car to the front so he could sit in the drivers seat.
"Where to then Mr.Bane?" His posture was sat up right and his tone of voice became posh while his face creased with a smile due to the humour he had brought upon himself.

I smile too, trying to ease the pain I tried not to move any more than just my mouth.
" 24 institute lane please." I mumbled from the back of the car. He put the car in gear and started to drive, he had the window open a few inches next to him with the late night cool breeze blowing his black curls off his face.

I could see him in the rear view mirror, his eyes continuously shifting from me and the road ahead.

"So.... You're on the posh side of town then?" He questioned as his perfect hands adjusted to the steering wheel.
"Yeah, I guess if that's what you believe." I muttered from the back seat, again clutching at my ribs.
"Oh I didn't mean anything by it, if I've offended you. I mean I've never really had a perfect home or family to be honest, it's just institute lane has always well..... Been perfect" his very words brought sympathy to my tone.

"No it's fine. I was given the apparent from my parents..... They...They pasted away last year..." I wasn't looking to share my whole life with him, but it feels like I've known him forever.... A flawless stranger.

Again his eyes shifted towards me in the rear view mirror, but this time they were a lot softer.
"Magnus... I'm so sorry. I wish I had known."
"How could you've know Alec?" My lungs started to feel as though they were double their size, a quite moan rolled of my lips.
"Don't worry Magnus, we're almost there." He began to speed up a little bit, the wind blowing his hood off his head to reveal his full head of curls.

Even though I was in pain... I never wanted the journey to end.

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