Part eleven:

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It's been a good few months since the whole Kieran incident, but besides that this has been one of the best years of my life. It's mine and Alec's one year anniversary!

That morning I woke up beside Alec, my head resting on his chest listening to his heart beat in a steady pace. Earlier in the year I had asked Alec to move in with me.... Clearly he said yes. His hair was flat but small curls still sat perfectly along his forehead and the warmth of his skin was calming and soft. I tried to wake him up, the same way I do every morning, tracing my fingers along the twists and curves of his tattoos. His eyelashes fluttered and his eyes opened, the crystal blue still bright and clear. "Well good morning handsome." I sat up slightly and kissed him. "Good morning..." He took a big yawn and turned over quickly engulfing me in his immense strapping arms, completely wrapped up into a hug.
"No matter how many times I wake up next you, I can never prepare myself for how beautiful you look in the morning." Alec's hair was messier but the smile was still the same. His eyes squinted from the morning sun as he kissed me,  until He spoke. "Happy one year anniversary Mr.Bane." I could feel him smiling through another kiss. I pulled away stroking the side of Alec's face with the back of my hand. "I can say the same to you Alexander." We both chuckled and continued to lay in bed until 12:00am. It wasn't long when Alec got up, and I followed after a shower and a change of clothes.

I walked out of my bed room, whilst ruffling my wet hair with a towel, only to see a topless Alec over a couple of steamy frying pans full of eggs and bacon. I could see the steam rising and then dripping off his chest in a sweat. Pretty sure there was a bit of drool in the corner of my mouth but I just said it was water from the shower.
"You're already ready? I'm just making breakfast, I'm guessing you want a bit of everything." He knew exactly what I wanted, I didn't even bother replying.

After a perfectly cooked sunny side up, it was the afternoon and Alec told me he had a surprise for me... Of course he didn't tell me where we were going, like always. Once we jumped in the car I noticed how beautiful the day was with the sun shining and a cool summers breeze blowing in through the window. We passed many shops and restaurants on the way each one left behind as we sped past... Where are we going?

Finally the car stopped but I wasn't sure where we were. "Magnus I'm afraid I'm going to have to blind fold you." Alec shrugged his shoulders with a sarcastic tone in his voice whilst he pulled out one of my old scarfs that was thrown in the back of his car. "Okay fine. But don't enjoy this too much." I sighed with a giggle at the end. With in minuets all I could see was black, Alec helped me out of the car and walked me forward a couple of steps. The sound of a bell rung like on a shop door, the tension was rising.

I could hear faint noises from what felt like they were coming from the back of the shop but I couldn't quite figure it out. "Yeah, yeah right there." I could hear Alec speaking to someone next me in a whisper. At last Alec removed  my blindfold, as my eyes adjusted I saw the cutest and the most smallest kitten placed  on the content in front of me. We were at a pet shop! I squealed and picked up the kitten stroking it soft fluffy fur. It was an American shorthair kitten the size of a small tea mug, with black, white and a dark grey sort of tinge to its fur... He was perfect.

"Alec I can't believe this! This is the best present/surprise ever... Thank you thank you thank you." I put the small bundle on the counter again and hugged Alec tightly followed by a kiss.
"I'm glad you like him... I thought we could start our own little family." I pulled away staring at Alec blushing at what he had just said. I picked the kitten back up and cradled him in between mine and Alec's arms, as I lent on Alec's chest just under his chin. I glanced from the kitten to Alec.

"Yes... Our own little family."

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