Part twenty one:

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It didn't feel right, Alec trying to sort out this mess with Kieran and then he doesn't come home? I felt sick to my stomach, so I ran out the door and grabbed my bike that was loosely attached to the gate outside. I had only been to Simons house once, I guess it was a typical young mans home with shades of blue and posters of bands everywhere with hints of modern interior and the hanging stench of fast foods.

Finally I arrived and threw my bike on to the pavement not even caring if it was in the path of other people passing. I knocked on the door furiously until Simon opened up, yawning and rubbing his eyes from under his glasses he answered, " Magnus what a surprise.... I wasn't expecting you." He defiantly seemed surprised by the sudden expression on his face.

"Yeah I'm sorry I should have called Simon but it's important-" Simon kept vigorously looking behind his shoulder trying to be subtle but was clearly failing, "- sorry Simon have you got company?" I tried to peer over his shoulder and with a quick glance I saw a figure pass in the background... A woman. "Uh yeah, kind of a bad time, but I'm sure she won't mind. It's Izzy she stayed over last night, and if I must say she is pretty amazing in b-" he was covering the side of his mouth with his hand as he whispered to me but I very quickly stopped him.

"Uh no Simon I didn't think I need to know that... A tad too much information."
"Oh yeah right.... Anyway come in." Simon opened up the door way and gestured me inside. Sat on the sofa with a towel wrapped tightly around her body was a young lady around Simons age with thick black loose curls down past her shoulders with red plump lips darker than the petal of a red rose.

She was naturally beautiful but had fire and drive in her eyes, I could see hints of Alec with in her... His bright soft eyes and perfectly shaped nose. I began to feel a deep pit in my stomach... Alec.
"Isabelle... Hi, I'm Magnus Bane. Simon has talked so much about you it's lovely to finally meet you... Alexander's sister." I raised my eye brows and shook her petite hand gesturing a kind manner. She looked stunned at me, either by the fact that I knew her relation to Alec or that she finally had met then man her brother was meant to be stealing from.

"H-hi, it's nice to meet you... H-how do you know about me and Alec?" She still looked stunned as I sat next to her whilst she adjusted the towel wrapped around her. Meanwhile, Simon is stood completely puzzled scratching his head whilst perched on the edge of a chair opposite me and Isabelle.
"Well my dear, that's a long story... I suggest you get into something more comfortable?"
"O-okay..." Disbelief still riddled on her face she elegantly stood up and strolled  into the bedroom behind the living room area.

"Okay what was that all about?" Simon was curious as always. "It's a long story Simon and I'll explain but right now I need to find Alec... I think he's in trouble." I placed my head in my palm.
"Woah what happened to Alec?" Simon edged closer on his chair intrigued by the 'story line'. "Simon... I said I'll explain just wait until Isabelle comes back and you'll understand." Just as I said so, Isabelle swiftly entered the room with tight black skinny jeans and a deep red v-neck top on matching her lips.  She perched herself back down next to me her eyes stern yet confused.

"Right where do I begin....." It took me a while to explain everything due to the never ending questions of Simons inquiries. I could see guilt growing in Isabelle's eyes as the story evolved.
"Woah Magnus. This is like a freakin action/romance movie all in one! It's totally epic-" There was a long awkward pause "-Oh sorry I mean I can't believe what's happened to you..." I let a small crease form in the corner of my mouth, Simon always says things like that so I'm not surprised.

It took some time for it all to settle in until Isabelle started to cry, her eyes turned pink and trails of water rippled down her cheeks. Simon leaped to her side and comforted her until she spoke; "I'm so sorry Magnus, if only I knew... Kieran is such a horrible man I was so scared....." The tears kept flowing as I rubbed her knee in comfort.

"Listen Isabelle, I know it's hard and trust me I know but right now and what I came here for is Alec." Isabelle suddenly stopped sobbing and stared at me with sudden fear.
"W-what do you mean? W-what happened to him?"

"Well... H-he hasn't come home after meeting Kieran ..... Isabelle.... He's gone."

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