Part four:

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It was the next day. Wednesday. But I couldn't quite remember what happened last night. Until it all came flooding back.... Alec.
As gently as I could I turned on my side facing my bed side table smiling to myself about the  attractive stranger who brought me home. But to my surprise a small note was left perched up against my alarm clock... It was from the man himself... Alec:
"Magnus, I hope you don't mind I let my self out. I also cleaned up all the wool and put you into your pyjamas. I've left you my phone number.... I'd like to meet up some time, or at least call me. I hope you're feeling better, I'm glad I met you. Love Alec xx"

He's so sweet...wait.... He changed me into my pyjamas?!?! Why was I not awake for that! As the very thought passed by I soon realised it was  2:30pm... I really must of needed the rest. I better call him and say thanks.
I dialled the number at the bottom of the note and waited for him to pick up as the phone rang... " hello this is Alec, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you, leave a message after the beep with your name and I'll get back to you soon"
I couldn't believe it, he's playing hard to get... Well I do love a challenge.

After a few minuets I finally decided to get up and out of bed. I grabbed my velvet robe and wrapped it around my bruised and fragile body. Making my way into the living room in small steps, I turned the kettle on and waited for it to boil, everything felt so different. I looked around the room scanning every thing in sight; the black leather sofas, the flat screen tv hung on the brick feature wall and my front door. I imagined Alec walking through the door like he did last night, cradling me in his arms and carrying me like I meant everything to him like I was precious and frail.

Being snapped out of my day dream by the flick of the kettle, there was a knock at my door. As I walked closer a voice muttered from behind it.
"Hey Magnus... It's me Alec, sorry I didn't answer your call I was driving" I flung the door open to see him standing there, tall and refreshed (unlike me). He was holding a small bunch of flowers in his hand, were they for me?
" Alec ... Hi. Sorry I wasn't expecting anyone." I sounded surprised in my voice and Alec handed me the flowers.
"Yeah sorry I should of said, I hope you're feeling better. I got these flowers for you, thought they might brighten up your day" he smiled at me his teeth a dazzling white.
"No come in..." I opened up the door way for him to walk in and motioned him to sit on the sofa, however I don't think he realised that he himself brightened up my day.
"Alec, again thank you so much for what you did. For a complete stranger to offer that sortta help for someone like me, I'm just so grateful."
"Please, don't mention it, I felt like we had a connection, I wanted to get to know you and well  of course help you out.... It was pretty rough"
I scratched the back of my head, he thinks we have a connection? For a man of his stature so tough and bold I would never of thought for him to be so kind and well ... into me.

We spoke for what felt like days, talking about our lives when all of a sudden I was telling him things I don't think I've ever told anyone before. It's like he had taken hold of me, I just couldn't help my self but to be free with him.
"Magnus, I just wanted to thank you as well... I mean you've been so kind enough to let me in your house and take care of you, not a lot of people seem to trust me they think I'm bad work just because I fight for a living." He seemed embarrassed, but I patted his knee in comfort. " I don't think I could of resisted a handsome man wanting to take me home and clean me up." I giggled and so did he, I felt like a little child. It was getting later and later  when it was around 9:45pm when Alec gathered him self up and decided to get going. I walked him over to the door, opening it for him, he stopped and leaned against the door frame.
"I had a really nice time Magnus, thanks for letting me stay. I'd really like to chat again, maybe next time over dinner?" He shrugged his shoulder, nervous in every word. I blushed and returned saying, " That would be lovely Alec, maybe Friday night around 8:00pm?" I've never felt so confident in my life.
"Sure, I'll pick you up. I'll see you then, good night Magnus."
"Okay, goodnight Alec." And with In a few minuets Alec disappeared around the corner in his car, and I was left shocked at the thought that he just asked me out on a date.


I'm going on a date... With Alec... Omg.

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