Part twenty eight:

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There wasn't a lot of conversation within the room, mostly silence. Alec slowly stumbled around glancing and reminiscing with each object that was jumbled in piles on the shelves. I stood close behind him, providing support for him to lean on if it was needed. I suggested that he takes it slow, but knowing Alexander he likes to think as though nothing is wrong.

"Guys I found it!" Isabelle's disembodied voice echoed through from behind a tall stack of boxes. Intrigued we walked over to the table where Isabelle had placed what she had found, I tried to assist Alec... but he quickly brushed me off, I know he likes to be independent but I wish he would just let me help. On the table a large map stretched out upon it, intricately designed with lines and connecting crosses, Isabelle looked immensely pleased with her self, her soft eyes beaming with hope... something we all needed.

"Um cool.... what is it?" Simons puzzled face traced the map trying desperately to figure it out. Alec sat upright in his chair and lent over the table among the slightly brown tinted sheet of paper.
"It's a maps of all the underground tunnels." Alec spluttered but with confidence.
"See we're right here and these are all the tunnels that spread through the city from this point... quite simple really." Isabelle looked up from the map and caught Simon's gaze,
"You know you're really sexy when you talk all nerdy..." Simon raised his eyebrows and nudged closer to Isabelle, she was clearly blushing.

"Ugh god, who even invited him? Why is he here Izzy he isn't much help." Alec rolled his eyes and peered back down at the map. Simon clearly felt upset but I'm sure he knew Alec didn't mean it... even though I know he most likely did.
"Right, so what's the plan?" I was keen to get out of here, Alec needed some of his injuries cleaned and there's not many supplies left.

"We could take the tunnels to Benny's..." Alec seemed as though we were all meant to know what he meant by that.
"Of course! He lives just in the edge of town, he'd know what to do." Isabelle seemed relived, whilst everyone else sat silently in confusion.

"Sorry.... but who's Benny?" I sat down on the vacant chair next to Alec, my hand resting upon his, but this time he didn't flinch, he held my hand rather tightly.
"Benny is just an old friend me and Izzy would meet with if we needed help. He knows some people." Alec slowly rose from his chair and moved back to sofa. His hair gently falling across his forehead that mingled with small beads of sweat.

"Is this the plan then? Because I think we need to make a move." I widened my eyes so Isabelle was aware of how much we needed to make a start, I could see that Alec was deteriorating.

"I guess so... let me just grab a bag for some supplies, it's been a while since we've been down there." Isabelle was confident in her stride as usual as she disappeared back behind the pile of boxes.

I then joined Alec, there was an awkward silence between us, who said silence was golden? I just wanted him to look at me or even share a whisper, I wanted to hear his voice that was direct to me... no one else.
Suddenly I felt the warmth of Alec's hand on my knee, the blue intense ripples of veins that streamed and pumped upon the surface of his skin. I glanced up at Alec's half sunken face, until his eyes met mine and a swift silence was broken, his eyes said it all but he began to speak.

"Magnus, I'm sorry. I don't mean to push you away, I don't mean to act like a total dick sometimes. But, you mean a lot to me and I know sometimes I don't show it..." I immediately interrupted,
"Stop Alec, I don't want to here the cliche speech about how you shouldn't of pushed me away,  I don't care. If life was defined by the choices we make then we would all be monsters... you don't have to apologise, I already know." I wiped away the lonesome tear that trickled down the side of Alec's face, letting the soft perfected skin run smoothly from beneath the back of my hand.

"I lov-" I interrupted Alec yet again, but this time with a kiss, nothing messy or intense that demanded desire, but it was soft and gentle like it was only meant for us, a tease that felt as though it was a continuation of something unfinished. I could help but feel Alec's smile that mingled in between our lips, so I lightly pulled away so our foreheads touched and the connection remained, I then answered...

"I love you more my dearest Alexander..."

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