Part twenty three:

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The sun died out and the moon rose, the stars feeling like the only spark of light left within me. I don't believe in God but I have never wished for such a entity to be present, I have never prayed until this day..... Please say he's safe.... Please say he's alive.

It took what felt like forever to get to the port, but we finally arrived. It was a prolonged decked space filled with stacked storage boxes towering over us as we slowly stepped out of the car. "Right where are we off to?" Simon almost seemed elevated by the current situation as he rubbed his hands together with intensity.
"Simon why don't you stay here... Keep watch on the car.... A get away car if you like." I patted him on the back, trying to persuade him to stay because I don't think I would be able to handle him if we did encounter Kieran. "Oh yeah cool. I'll stay here then ..... Well? Get a move on then!" Simon motioned us to move on the expression on his face like an excited little puppy.

Isabelle guided in front as Simon stayed lent against the car in the distance behind us. Continuous stacks of metal boxes stretched along the port, two or three heaped on top of each other. "Isabelle..." I strode along side her which meant I was able to see the deep concentration riddled on her face.
"What if he's not here?.... What if we don't find him in time?" She didn't reply, so I stopped in my path until she noticed and spoke. "Magnus, this is the only other place he can be... I'm sure of it." Isabelle grew more anxious by the minuet, each unit passed being carefully inspected. The port soon disappeared from its edges and we were soon divulged into a maze full of containers.

Any chance of finding Alec was becoming slim to none, each corner looking like the last... We were lost. "Agh! I was so sure it was around here!" Isabelle's voice became tinged with anger. "Listen, just don't stress out I'm sure you're right.... We just have to keep looking..." I too was feeling rather frustrated but I didn't want to make things worse.
"I'm sorry Magnus....."
"Wait Isabelle be quite...."
"Shhhhhhhhhh" I was eager for silence, I could hear voices coming from the next turning. "Isabelle..... Do you hear that?" I pulled Isabelle against the back of the storage unit just before the corner. It was Kieran.

"Now I'm not gonna ask you again.... And listen Alec I don't like hurting you but answer my questions and I won't have to..." Kieran's disembodied voice echoed and bounced off of the units based around him. But what hurt the most is the painful muffled screams of Alec who was out of sight.... And in the current moment I could do nothing to help.
"Alright boys remove the tape." The sounds of plodding feet moved around the container. Another scream of help came from Alec and the panting of his breath was non stop. One of Isabelle's hands was clutched tightly onto my arm and the other cupped over her mouth as tears began to fall down her cheeks.
"I....I don't..... Don't know." Alec wheezed from under his breath but was just loud enough for us to hear. I was trembling.... I was terrified. How long has he been here? .... Like this. We listened in again.

"Alec come on.... You're making this hard for yourself, I'm trying to reason with you here. Okay listen I'm being nice here, I'll give you one more chance... Where. Is. Magnus? "
My heart skipped a beat... They want me and Alec is covering for me... Taking all of this for me.

"Kieran.....I don't... Don't know." He became more hostile but was still weak in his voice.
"Okay well, I don't believe you and I just gave you another chance. I don't have any other option.... Tape him back up Brad."
"No... Please no Brad.... No-" Alec pleaded meekly but he couldn't get out his words with out slurring. The sound of his pleading becoming more indistinct from behind the tape. The grip of Isabelle's hand tightened. How could we just stand there and listen to all of this... But what could we do?

"Sorry Alec but this is gonna hurt." I shut my eyes believing this to be a horrible nightmare.... Continuous thrashes and shouts of Alec ringed through my ears.... Stop.... Please stop..... STOP!

I have to do something.... I'll either find a way or make one.

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