Part twenty six:

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I pulled Alec out of the car, cradling him in my arms with my coat wrapped around his shoulders. The whole street was completely abandoned, formed as if it was some sort of unknown universe. The house itself had clearly outlasted the others, its walls on a slant and it's windows shattered and stained with yellow, it seemed to be a crumbled beauty of and era long past. Isabelle guided us round to the back of the house, where a door hung on its hinges planted in to the floor, awaited.

"I can't believe this is still here." Isabelle full of hope wedged the door open and stepped inside. Following behind her, the secret basement opened into view, towers of shelves and old wooden toys submerged the room along with posters of old movies and rugs placed in heaps all over the floor. Dust rose into the air as I cleaned it off of a long sofa placed in the corner of the room for Alec to lay on. I could see the agony plastered on his face, the sweat and blood combining to make a pool dripping onto the sofa, I sat crouched beside him as Isabelle vigorously scavenged for a first aid kit of some sort. The grip of his hand on mine tightened by the second, the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead drenched his face so much he could barely open his eyes.

"Isabelle, I think you need to hurry..." I spoke loud enough for my voice to echo around the room with agitation until I heard a stumble from behind me and the quick thuds of Simon pacing.
Soon enough Isabelle came into view with bundles of medical supplies piled in her arms.
"Sorry, this is everything I could find... do you know what to do?"
I quickly placed the bundles onto the floor and replied to Isabelle, "Yeah... I'm fine I know what I'm doing."
Not particularly aware of my tone I begun to clean Alec up. I grabbed a cloth and a bottle of disinfectant as I began to gently clean the deep cut on the top of Alec's head, quietly he kept mumbling  in pain... I can't explain the hate I feel right now. How did it go from some innocent fling, to love, to hate and then to destruction filled with hurt and pain. I've never felt so scared in my life... I could loose him.

After a while Alec was completely clean as well as bandaged up. I sat nervously next to him the whole night whilst watching him gradually doze off into sleep.
"Guys... what are we gonna do?" Simon sat in the doorway of the entrance with his back against the wall and legs stretched along the concrete floor.

Isabelle glanced up from the palm of her hand and stared deeply over to me and Alec, I too gazed down at Alec, is soft hair curled over his forehead covering the bandages. In that moment I was suddenly brought back to those early Sunday mornings where Alec lay beside me in our bed asleep, his hair exactly like it is now.... perfectly imperfect with the streak of soft sunlight highlighting his structured face. I felt my eyes begin to sting, endlessly wanting to be back in that exact moment... but I know that I'm far from it.
"Magnus?" Isabelle's voice broke the images that flashed in my head.
"I -I don't know. What can we do? Where can we even go?" I sank down to the floor and off of my chair, pretty much crumbling into a ball of confusion and panic. My head was cradled in between my knees when I felt Isabelle's petite hand on my back.

I looked up from the floor and stared into Isabelle's eyes, they were the soft and brown type that made everything thing feel okay, like you weren't alone. "It's okay Magnus, we'll find away out of this... there's always a way. But for now let's wait for Alec to wake up... he always knows what to do.."

At the moment my life is like a broken record, it keeps spinning around on a continuous loop of what seems like good things always coming to an end. But I need to start taking control,  because I can't have my life chasing its own tail in a continuous circle of never ending hopelessness.

Sometimes you don't realise your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.... I think Alec is my weakness but he's also my greatest strength...

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