The next day.

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Bri wakes up and the rest of the girls are already up. Brena walks over to Bri.

Brena: DANNNNNNG GIRL. Its 11:52 in the God gamn morning and you still sleep.

Bri: Hey! Good morning to you too Brena.

Brena: hahaha. Good morning.( helps Bri up). Now go ahead and freshin up because your hair look like a birds nest. I have to talk to you and Flawless and Lexi about something so hurry.

Bri freshins up then she puts on her pink yoga shorts from Victorias Secret, her sports bra and her PINK sweat shirt over her sports braw.

Bri: so why we got to go to the gym. Im in shape already. And where is Randi, Anna and Trina abd Tiana at?

Lexi: They all went over Trina's house but they said they are going to be back in two days.

Brena: oh. Ok.

Flawless: well lets get out of here.

They all go to the gym at the YMCA in Hamilton. When they get there, they see Lil Twist and Jaden. Jaden and Twist walk up to the girls.

Twist: hey. Arent you Diggy's girl.

Brena: yeah. You are Lil Twist.

Girls: OMFT. Hi Jaden. Hi Lil Twist.

Bri: Hey Lil Swish. I meant Twist.

They all laugh.

Twist: you guys are with MB aren't yall.

Lexi: Im not but they are( points at Bri and Flawless).

Jaden: Oh. Wheres the other two.

Brena: Oh Randi and Trina. They went somewhere.

Jaden: Oh. Ok. So what are y'all doing here.

Bri: We about to exercise.

Brena: Yeah. We do have an audition to go to on July 23rd so. We got to get in shape.

Twist: but you guys are already in shape.

Girls: awww.( looks at their selves in the mirror.) Well I am nice and firm. Jinks drink the juice. Jinks! Jinks! Jinks!

Bri: we should really stop doing that.

They all laugh.

Jaden: well good luck with your auditions. Im about to go get something to drink. Come on Twist.

Twist:( looking at the girls) Naw. You good. I think imma stay here.

Jaden: Boy( pulls him by his shirt).


The girls laugh. Then they all start stretching.

lexi: so what did you have to talk to us about.

Brena: I think Im going to break up with Diggy.

Girls: Why.

Brena: I really dont know. I just dont feel comfortable dating a 16 or 17 year old.

Bri: well all I can tell you is to make your own decision. What makes you happier.( drinks some of her water).

Brena: and I think he is cheating on me.

Bri spits out her water.



Twist and Jaden look back at the girl with a guilty look on their faces.

Jaden: uh oh.

As they all continue stretching, MB walks inside and all the girls run up to them except fot Brena, Bri, Lexi and Flawless.

Never Felt This Way 2( Will it be our last words.).Mindless Behavior ...Where stories live. Discover now