Chapter 17

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What? What did he just say? He couldn't just leave like that! Especially without any explanation! There had to be a good reason.

"Erica! Go behind him! Ask him what's wrong!" I insisted.

Erica nodded and jogged out of the room with everyone murmuring about what Michael had just said. I stared at myself in the mirror again. God, why don't I have a professional make-up artist? Shouldn't I be having one?

Okay, probably worrying about my make-up is not the best thing right now.

"Why isn't Michael going to be acting as Romeo?" I heard someone say.

I looked up in the mirror to see Rachel behind me with a panicked look.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, turning towards her.

"Um, no offense, but you look awful," she said, adjusting her glasses.

I groaned, "I know."

Rachel gave me a sympathetic look. "Wait, if Michael isn't Romeo, then that means Ethan is," she said, her eyes widened and brows raised.

Yes, Captain Obvious. I nodded.

"Rachel, Mr. Ambrose wants to see you," a girl with blond hair, Emily I suppose, interrupted.

Rachel nodded and looked at me, "I have to go."

I turned and faced the mirror. After fifteen minutes, I managed to look pretty with dark red lips that matched the shade of my dress, pink cheeks and a simple silver necklace. My eyeshadow was a simple mixture of red and pink with long, dark eyelashes. Honestly, if Abby was here, I would look so much more better

Why wasn't Erica back yet?

Mr. Ambrose was walking around, checking on everyone when he noticed me. He gasped and walked towards me.

"This is great!" Mr. Ambrose said, taking a deep breath. "Get ready to act! In five minutes."

Five minutes! Oh god. I wonder what Ethan was feeling right now. He didn't even know he was going to be acting today.

I gave him a tight smile as he walked away.


Walking back from my first scene, I let out a shaky breath. Trust me, I had never been so nervous. The lights. The silent audience with their electronic devices recording every single one of my moves. And you know what's worse? Rachel was acting instead of Abby! I saw Erica standing against a wall lazily.

"Why is Rachel acting instead of Abby!?" asked with a horrified look.

"Because Abby has been involved in an accident and that's where Michael is," she said, biting her lip.

"What?!" I asked, my eyes widening. "Why didn't Michael tell one of us? He shouldn't have just left like that! Someone else would have gone instead of him!"

"I know, I know," she said, nodding. "But apparently, Abby called him, so he left."

This is the stupidest thing ever! Michael didn't have to go. He could have at least told someone! Besides, I'm pretty sure Abby's parents are there. It's an accident! A freaking accident! I wasn't mad at him for not playing the role of Romeo, I was mad at him for not telling one of us!

"Is it serious?" I whispered, scared of what the answer might be.

She shook her head, no.

"We're going to the hospital. After the play gets over," I declared.

She nodded. "By the way, you were pretty good."

I gave her a small smile.

"Ashley!" Mr. Ambrose whispered, nearing me. "Go get ready for the next scene."

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