TSD 25: Tell me you love me..

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Ka'Miko woke up in her bed, Pharaoh's arms wrapped securely around her waist. She turned and wrapped her leg around his waist. He opened his eyes to meet hers, she giggled as she saw him smile.

"Good Morning." She said.

"Morning." He smiled.

He gently ran his fingertips along her naked sides. 

"Want to go for round 3?" He grinned. 

"No, my body is sore." She laughed. 

"That's the last time I wanna hear you speaking about dating other niggas or giving away what's mine." He kissed her. 

She just laughed and rolled her eyes. 

"You gotta go pick up Khaleesi." He told her. 

She nodded, "But, I just want to stay like this forever." She whined as she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head close to his chest. 

"I don't." He laughed as he moved her bush of curls out of his face.

She playfully slapped him, and laughed. There was a silence in the room for a moment. He could feel her heart pounding and knew she wanted to ask him something but was afraid. 

"Say what you gotta say." He said.

She looked up at him in confusion.

"Stop pretending, you're nervous..what about?" He asked her. 

"Well..I just wanted to know like are we...a family now or.." She asked softly. 

She didn't want his response, he didn't want him to say no to her, especially because she had said no to him once before. He paused before responding, her heart beat slow and hard. 


"Nevermind." She said and crawled out of the bed.

The way he said her name told her everything she needed to know. She grabbed her towel and went into the bathroom. She took a shower, running her head underneath the stream of warm water. She felt the mixture of hot water, and her warm tears. She felt conflicted, whenever she was ready to love him, he shot her down; When he was ready to love her, she did the samething. She loved him so much but felt like they would never get anywhere in their relationship.

After 40 minutes, she came out of the shower and lotioned before stepping out of the bathroom and into her room. Pharaoh looked at her as she walked in, he laid on the bed, flipping through the channels. She put on a pair of jogging pants and a tank top. 

"I'm going to pick up Khaleesi...are you going to leave now or wait til she comes back?" She turned to him. 

"Ka'Miko, I want you to communicate with me. You didn't even let me finish what I was going to say. You'd rather just write off the whole conversation than deal with it like a grown ass woman." He said to her. 

He was doing his best to keep his cool with her. He was doing his best to be patient.

"I don't want to hear you say that you don't want to try again..I don't want to hear you reject me when I've watched you embrace other women before me." She explained.

"How about we forget other people for a minute and focus on you and I. You don't read minds, I could have been saying anything to you, but you would never know." He replied. 

"Okay..so say what you gotta say." She said, sitting on the bed. 

"I wanted to tell you that right now...I don't feel like we should be together-" 

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