Chapter 62: The Box.

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Chapter 62: The Box.


 “Are you two going to be okay watching on them?” I asked Dan and Phil as I stood at the front door of the condo. Phil held Nevaeh in his arms while Dan had James on his shoulders. The two men looked at each other and smiled. Phil nodded slightly.

“Yes, love. You go deal with the lawyers with your family, we’ll be fine.” Phil reassured in a kind tone. I inhaled deeply and smiled as I stepped up to him, pecking my lips to his quickly. I gave Nevaeh a kiss on the forehead gently.

“Buh-bye sweetie.” I said softly to the sleeping baby, she sucked on the bright pink soother. I stepped over to James who was now trapped against Dan’s chest so he was at my level. His baby blue eyes shined up at me as he sucked on his soother as well but he pulled it out of his mouth as I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss.

“Be good for daddy, m’kay?” I said sweetly. James nodded and plugged the soother back into his mouth. I didn’t want to leave them, James was getting a cold and Nevaeh is getting fussy with daddy and Uncle Dan so I really just wanted to be there for them. I want to make James some soup and chill out with him on the couch while watching Disney movies and have Nev sleeping on my chest happily. I don’t want to deal with lawyers and this bucket of crap.

I stepped out into the hallway wearing a black pant suit; I wore a black spaghetti strap under a women’s blazer and black proper fitting women’s dress pants with a pair of black high heeled boots. I felt fancy but I needed to look adult since we’re going to a lawyer’s office. Kier was standing there in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. He’s been staying with us for almost a week and already he’s looking and doing much better. I’ve made sure I’ve gone to see Bailey for at least an hour of two every day. She met her Granddaughter for the first time the other day. Her face lit up brighter than anything I’ve ever seen before. Nevaeh was like the sunshine after a huge storm in her mind. But I know that today is going to be a difficult time. Today we’re going to see the lawyers about dad’s will. Kier isn’t too fond of going but he’s required to be present. I could tell he wasn’t happy about being forced to go and I wasn’t happy I had to force him to go.

The drive to the offices wasn’t too long but it felt like it took forever, especially with the silence. Today will be the first day I see Alfie since she snapped at me the other day; the twins won’t be there though. I didn’t tell Bailey what Alfie said, Bailey has enough on her plate at the moment. My stomach dropped when a song came on the radio, making me turn the volume up a little bit as we drove. Kier gave me an odd expression. I smiled weakly at him and began to sing the emotional song. I sang along to the radio and kept my eyes on the road ahead. This is the song I sang on New Years Eve, the night dad and I dug up that box, the time capsule, the treasure box that we’ve filled with years of happy memories and the expansion of our family. In the beginning it there were just eleven of us and now there are twenty-seven of us, that means sixteen people came along and changed our lives for the better. Twenty-two years and there is so much happiness to be shared.

Its New Years Eve 1999, there’s a party going on inside. I didn’t want to be inside right now. I wanted to be by myself outside so I could see the stars. I sat on the back steps playing with my doll; I wore a pair of overalls and a tee shirt. My hair was left down. I heard the back door open and close again.

“Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be.”  Dad said to me as he sat down on the back steps. He sat on the step behind me with a 40 in his hand. I looked up from the doll I got and glanced back at him with a shy smile.

“What does that mean, daddy?” I asked curiously, cradling the doll in my arms tightly. He smiled as he gazed up at the stars in the night sky. It was a clear night but there was no moon. He took a sip of his drink and sighed heavily before looking down at me with a grin.

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