Chapter 13 - Going Home

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I spent the entire ride home with my head on Dean's shoulder. After not seeing him for 8 years, and then treating him like a friend for two months, I forgot how amazing it feels to have a big brother looking out for me. I knew what he was. I understood that he could kill me easily. But he was my brother, and I loved him no matter what.

"Home sweet home!" Mom announced as she stopped the car. We all got out and I looked up at the cottage-style house. I had so many amazing memories there, and I had almost forgotten what it looked like.

 "Waaaay better than a bus." I said.

"No doubt. When was the last time you had a home cooked meal?" Dean asked.

"People still do that?!"


Mom lead us into the house and I smiled at all the ACTUAL furniture. After living with my dad and 4 other guys in a bus for 8 years, I was ready to lounge on an actual couch with actual food.

"Oh my gosh! Where's my room?!" I cried. I skipped down the hall and opened the door to my old bedroom. Nothing had really changed over the years, I still had my giant queen sized bed with black sheets, and a large toy box in the corner. When I was little, I was more of a boy with big expectations then a girly princess. I wanted a giant bed, a walk in closet, and a toy box with labels. It was pretty sweet.

I slowly walked over to my organized toy box and pulled out a batman action figure. I fell to my knees and started looking through my old stuff, the things I couldn't take with me after the divorce. There were toy cars, water guns, headless barbie dolls, and a colouring book which I had written bad words on every page in a purple crayon. I was a great kid.

I got up and looked in my closet, which had empty hangers and Nightmare Before Christmas posters pasted on the walls. The only article of clothing that still remained was a fluffy pink dress my mom had bought me when she entered me in the Cutie Pageant, which was a beauty pageant for little kids. That was probably the worst memory I had. All the annoying little girls worrying about the eyeshadow and hairspray supplies.

I picked up the dress and noticed something fuzzy and orange behind it. I threw the dress over my shoulder and picked up the medium sized stuffed tiger I thought I had lost all these years. I had named it Calvin, after Calvin and Hobbs, because it looked just like the tiger in that comic. I was going to name it Hobbs, like the actual tiger's name, but seriously what kind of name is Hobbs?

Calvin was my soft spot, the only stuffed animal I had ever had. I squeezed the old dirty tiger tight and felt someone watching me. I turned around and saw Dean in the doorway.

"Found him, huh? It's been a few years since I've seen that little rat of a toy."

"He can hear you!" I scolded as I got up off my knees and took Calvin wit me. Dean rolled his eyes and followed me over to my bed. I put the stuffed tiger on top of my pillow and headed back to the living room.

"I'm going to go and get dinner ready." Mom said as she grabbed the phonebook from under the coffee table, "So, what do you kids want? There's pizza, chinese, etc, etc."

"Chinese," Dean and I said at the same time. Mom smiled and dialed the number.

When the food finally arrived, my mother told us she would be eating in her room. Apparently she wanted to talk to my dad, so Dean and I went out to the couch on the porch to get away from the yelling.

I looked up at the moon and sighed, "This has been the most amazing night I have had in years. Mom, the house, eating Chinese food. Although I was sort of looking forward to that home cooked meal."

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