Chapter 14 - Makeover

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As I was putting on the last of my eyeliner, I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed out of the bathroom, grabbing my purse along the way, and jumping in front of the open door. Dean, who was holding it, jumped.

"Hey D. Did I scare you?" I asked with fake sympathy.

Dean rolled his eyes and I heard a squeal come from beside us. Paris and Bianca were at the doorway, while Chad waited in the car at the curb.

"OH MY GOSH!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" Paris cried.

I laughed, "What do you mean by that?"

"I've never seen Dean act all brotherly towards someone! IT'S SO CUTE!"

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes and Bianca hugged me suddenly. "How was your Christmas?" she asked.

"Great." I said smugly as I pulled away. I wasn't really much of a hugger.

"What did you do?!" Paris asked suspiciously.

"Nothing out of the usual."

Dean laughed, "She dumped Tabasco sauce in our cousin's drink."

"So what? I've done worse. Remember when I put pink hair dye in your shampoo? You never used my stuff after that."

"Good times, good times. I had a pink buzz cut for 6 months."

We heard Chad honk his car horn and rushed out the door. When we got in, I found myself squished between Paris and Dean. Apparently, Chad's car only had 4 seat belts. So, since I was the smallest, I had to squish between a couple of vampires.

I couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy about that fact. Normally, I was totally fine and felt no different when I was around them. But tonight, I wasn't feeling so good. Something was going to happen. I could feel it.

The beach party was wild. It already was when we got there. I began to feel uncomfortable when my social anxiety started to bubble up. I wasn't really one for huge crowds, especially crowds of rowdy teenagers.

I stepped out of the car and followed my friends to the music. I danced for awhile, but finally I just couldn't take it anymore.

Nobody was even remotely close to the water. I couldn't figure out why, but then I realized that these people grew up next to the ocean. I sighed, slipping off my shoes and submerging my feet into the warm water. It felt great being by the ocean again. Growing up on a bus with 4 rock and roll men made me tough on the outside, but sad on the inside. I longed for the chance to do this again, and finally my prayers had been answered. I walked deeper into the water, not worrying too much about my mini skirt and sleeveless top. My leather jacket kept me warm as I continued into the water.

My eyes turned up towards the moon, which was full. I had always had a strange fascination with the moon. The full moon was one of the best nights every month. What are the chances that this month it landed on New Years Eve?

"Don't go too far out. We're known for our dangerous sea life." a voice warned behind me.

I turned around and saw Aaron standing at the edge of the water. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, and I could make out an expressionless face.

"One, that's Hawaii, and two, I've been here before. I used to live in Los Angeles before the divorce."

"I apologize for my mistakes. What are you doing out there?"

"Nothing really. I didn't know you were much of a party person."

"I'm not. I'm just keeping an eye on my sister. Besides, I could say the same thing about you."

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