1. New beginnings

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So I'm changing characters for Ramsey. Not because I think she's not fit anymore but because I want Ramseys character to change as a person. Plus indya doesn't post as much anymore and I like using current photos of the people of the story.

If you have a problem with that then pretend like the character is still the old one cause i don't know what to tell you.


On to book two!


Ramsey looked at the camera as the air from the fan blew through her hair. "Yes! Giving me face!" The photographer shouted over the music making her laugh. She looked down at the large 8 months pregnant belly. "Okay let's take a break." He said putting his camera around his neck.

Ramsey picked her robe up from the floor and wrapped it around her. "You need to put some damn clothes on." Keith said fixing the robe some more. "I ain't gone sit up here looking at ya naked ass all day." Ramsey laughed. "I wanted nice maternity photos done for my baby shower so I'm doing it. I can't fit into anything anyways with all this baby in the way."

"I can't wait for lil baby to get here." He said following behind Ramsey as she went to her dressing room. "I'm 32 weeks as of today. So we got four more till she gets here."

"I'm gone be in that delivery room screaming right next to ya." Keith said laying down on the small couch.

Raja Aliana Graham was on her way into the world. Ramsey wanted to keep the R names going just like herself, her sisters, and their kids do too. She didn't tell Aubrey about the name since he never gave any suggestions in recent conversation.

"You wanna be the room?" Ramsey asked closing get eyes as the makeup artist fixed her eyebrows. "Yeah. I told you along time ago that I'll support you in anything and that includes you giving birth to my God daughter." Ramsey smiled. "Awwww thank you Bubby."

"You're all fixed."

"Thank you Bayani."

"Oh girl you're welcome." The makeup artist said before leaving the room.

Ramsey looked down at her feet and shook her head. "My feet are swollen as shit." Keith looked at them with his face scrunched. "Look like ya lil ugly ass got two meat loafs on ya feet." Ramsey got out the vanity chair and acted like she was gonna lunch him. "Pregnant girl gone wild!" He said laughing. She pushed his face let out a laugh.

"I hate you so much." She said waddling to the door. "Damn look at the robe getting caught between them cheeks." Keith said following her. "Stop nasty." She said flicking him off.

Ramsey picked up some weight during her pregnancy with Raja. She didn't mind though she liked the way she looked more than before. She loved the glow the most. She felt like she had the perfect pregnancy, hardly any morning sickness, her skin was amazing, and she could still wear her regular clothes up to a few weeks ago.

She was happier than before and life seemed so much better.

Ramsey didn't leave New York that night. She decided to stay there and start over. With the social status from being Aubrey's girlfriend she made her way up in this world. Her dreams of travel journalism was starting to begin. She didn't go to school for a degree for nothing.

After kissing some ass and working long hours she got to start working as a intern for a world famous blog called the Time of the month. It's a feminist gossip blog discussing things from men to money to everyday world issues. She made lots of friends there and became a part time writer for their gossip column.

While busy with her new job she kept Aubrey updated on everything that had to do with Raja. He always tried to make conversation about other things like how she was doing or how was life working out for her but she never responded. She kept everything strictly about the baby.

"Ramsey you ready?" Theo the photographer asked.

"Yup. Let's wrap this up my dogs are barking."


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