Chapter 19 - Rayna

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I stand against the lockers, waiting for Hayden to come back from visiting his English teacher. I'm pretty sure Mia isn't going to be happy when she sees me. She never seems to be when it comes to me, full stop.

Recently whenever I've seen her in the halls, she either ignores me or makes sure to shoot me a glare. Since our argument, my frustration has subsided and I'm willing to talk to her but it seems like the tables have turned and she's angry at me now. It doesn't really affect me but it does make things a little awkward at the dinner table when we're all with one another.

'Rayna,' A voice calls and I don't really pay attention, assuming it's Hayden. I turn to face him and start to smile until I realise I'm wrong. My smile drops and is replaced with the expressionless look I have mastered.

Instead, Ben stands before me and he waves at me. My mouth twitches as I try not to frown at his pathetic attempt to seem friendly.

'What do you want,' I groan and he pretends to act shocked.

'What are you talking about?' He says, a smirk resting on his face. It infuriates me, 'how about, 'it's great to see you again, Ben,' that would work for me,'

'Hi is the most you're getting,'

'Ah, playing hard to get? I get it, don't worry,'

I raise my hand to my head and try to calm my increasing fury. He leans beside me, propping his arm up on the wall.

'Come on,' He says, 'Talk to me ba-'

'Don't even say it,' I snap before he can finish. If I'm right with what I think he was going to say, I want him to stop before he continues.

'What's gotten into you,'

'I could ask you the same thing,'

'Nothing, I'm fine,' Is his only response but I'm not persuaded. In the past Ben has made me frequently aware that he dislikes me by laughing at me when I pass by, shouting rude comments and completely trying to bring my confidence down. Sometimes with success. I don't understand as to why he suddenly feels the need to act like he's close with me.

'Why aren't you with Alice?'

'Can't I spend some time with you?'

'I'd rather you not,' I say truthfully. I want him to go away and leave me alone, I'd prefer things go back to the way they were then have this. He's only trying to mess with me, that's all he does.

He goes to say something else before I'm joined with Hayden who, just like myself, doesn't look happy to have him here. He grips his bottle tightly in his clenched fists and my mind flicks back to when Alice decided it would be amusing to drench me in lemonade. I cringe at the memory, glad it's over and yet wishing it would remove itself from my mind.

'Ben,' He nods before facing me. Blocking his view, he speaks in a hushed voice, obviously not wanting Ben to hear what he has to say, 'Why are you with him, come on and lets go,'

I'm in agreement and begin to walk away before I'm stopped. Ben stands in front of us, preventing us from passing. He doesn't seem to notice Hayden or at least chooses to ignore him, instead focusing his attention on me.

'Move,' Hayden demands but he completely dismisses him.

'I need to talk to Rayna,'

'Well you can't-'

'Hayden, it's okay. I can handle this,' I assure him, 'what do you want?'

'Can't we go somewhere a little more...private?'

'No, just tell me now. I have to go in a minute,'

He looks momentarily uncomfortable but then smirks in an attempt to appear unconcerned. The look he shoots my makes me feel uneasy and I can't help but avoid his burning stare.

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