Chapter 37 - Rayna

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'I just don't get why we have to take that lesson, it sucks,'

'It's all a matter of personal preference,' I laughed and Alice rolls her eyes, balancing her tray on the edge of the table whilst she grabs some napkins.

'Perhaps to you, everyone else considers it as a waste of time,'

I shake my head, casting off her comment as she picks up her tray again and we walk to an empty table near a corner.

'Maths is used in almost everything, it can't really be a waste of time,'

She sticks her tongue out playfully and sits herself down, pulling out her phone. She checks for any notifications and quickly responds to what must have been a text before locking it and placing it down beside her.

'Finn's looking for you,' she states casually, 'I told him where we were, is that alright?'

I nod before reconsidering and instantly becoming nervous.

'Hayden isn't with him is he?' I ask almost frantically but she shakes her head.

'I don't think so, Finn isn't oblivious to the fact you won't want him around,'


It's been a few weeks since I cut contact with Hayden and the only interaction we've had is mere glances as we pass one another in the corridors. He hasn't tried to talk since the last time and the smallest part of me wishes he could, perhaps to persuade me that there's still the kind Hayden in there, the one that wouldn't hurt anyone.

I regret the harsh words I had said the last time but it wasn't that I hadn't mean them. At the time I had honestly wanted him to go and stay away from me but now...I feel differently. I'd been so incredibly angry at the time but after calming down, it's difficult to pin point exactly what I think but all traces of anger have faded away.

As if my mind has manipulated my vision, I see Hayden enter the dinner hall with some friends close behind. Beside him are Alexis and Finn with Mia trailing a little further behind looking absolutely miserable. I hesitate to whether I should try and speak to her but I recall her hatred for me at this moment in time. She wouldn't listen to anything I have to say.

Finn catches my eye and waves, detaching himself from Alexis to make our way over to our table whilst she follows close behind. Mia looks like she wants to join them but, seeing me, she scowls and heads off in another direction.

I'm sure Hayden notices his friends leaving but he makes no sign of showing this, turning to talk to a guy next to him. I meet his gaze for a moment but then he looks away sharply, pretending he hasn't seen me.

'Hi,' Finn greets Alice and I with a smile and Alexis does the same though she eyes us both nervously.

'Hello,' we both repeat.

He sits down on the left of me and nudges my shoulder, his eyes fixed on Alice as she talks as if he hadn't done it. It's then that I notice the piece of paper in his hand and I take it from him quickly.

There's barely a crackle as I open it and swiftly read the short sentences on the page.

Spoke to H, he really misses you. Meet him in the art room at Lunch tomorrow, wants to talk.

Finn doesn't meet my glance, I'm guessing it's so that I can't refuse to go to him. I sigh and shove the paper in my pocket, seeing a hint of a smile on his face as I do so.

I then look over at Hayden again and he does the same at me. I nod at him and hope he knows what I'm responding to. Thankfully he does and the briefest smile brushes over his lips before vanishing.

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