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They said your life was perfect,

But what they could not see,

Was the sweet and charming girl,

Beneath the image she's perceived to be,

You were always judged beforehand,

And the rumours would pass on,

But, Rayna what I always saw,

Was bravery, you stayed strong,

You're not a snob, quite less a bitch,

I can't say it didn't seem hard,

Even though you won't admit it,

I know that you've been scarred,

I can't say she's a god,

Or neither compare a saint,

To me you're an amazing girl,

A sketch not needing of paint,

So, Rayna one last thing I'll say,

Before I have to go,

I'll always love you so damn much,

More then you'll ever know,

They Said My Life Was Perfect - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now