Chapter 26 - Hayden

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She didn't come to school today like she said she would. I don't know what happened but something was bothering her on the way home yesterday, gnawing at her mind with invisible claws.

I leave the school after denying a lift off Mia, informing her I have to go pick up Blake from school. I'm glad she didn't want to come, I like hanging around with her but sometimes it's just a little suffocating.

I'm glad I'm finally able to navigate my to the primary school from my own without any trouble and it doesn't take long for me to finally arrive.

I wait by the corner, scanning for the familiar face and I smile as I see Blake come out with Evander. I think it's amazing how the two of them have actually become close after our visit to Rayna's house. Evander seems to have had a positive influence on my unruly cousin of which I'm appreciative for.

Blake sees me as well, catching the attention of Evander and the two boys run up to me.

They begin to talk over one another which they seem to do a lot of and I'm about to comment on this before I'm interrupted.

'Evander?' A voice says and I look up to see a tall figure in front of me. He would be rather intimidating if it isn't for the smile resting easily on his lips.

'Kyle!' Evander laughs and it takes me a moment to remember who this is having recalled the name. Finally I remember it to be the person who looked after Rayna and her brother whenever he could.

'Kyle!' Evander repeats, grabbing hold of the man's arm, 'this is Rayna's friend, Hayden,'

'It's lovely to meet you, Hayden. I do believe I've heard of you once or twice before,'

I wonder if it's Rayna who has mentioned me and just the thought makes me smile. I hope so.

'I'm praying it's all good,' I laugh and he nods, letting out a chuckle.

'Definitely all good,'.

'That's a relief,'

'Do you know where Rayna's been today? She wasn't in school,'

'I went to visit before and she's very ill, I didn't want her going out so I told her to stay home,'

'I hope she's okay,'

I expect Kyle to nod and say she will be; but instead it concerns we when he merely shrugs.

'So do I, truth is I'm so worried for her,'


'She's always been the sort of person to keep everything locked up, especially with how often she looks after Evander. The last thing she wants is to worry him but recently something's very wrong and I can tell,'

'How?' I feel my eyes go wide and I push Evander and Blake away to play whilst we talk. Kyle shoots me a thankful look and exhales.

'She's always so tired and stressed, she doesn't talk much anymore, definitely not to me and she'll never give herself a rest. I'm wondering whether that's why she is ill today,'

As much as I want to disagree with him, I know he's right. I'd been noticing the exact same things.

A thought pops up in my head and I wonder is Kyle is aware of the situation between Rayna and her mum. Surely he must? But then again, he probably wouldn't. Rayna wouldn't want to get involved and cause a dispute between him and her mother.

'Kyle do you know Rayna's getting kicked out on her birthday?' I ask and judging with the way his eyes widen in horror, I don't think he has heard this.

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