Chapter 38 - Hayden

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I wonder whether she's even going to show up today or whether her agreement to the note had been reconsidered. I've been sat on the windowsill for a good fifteen minutes and consider leaving now, sighing as I assume she isn't planning on showing up no matter how much I want her to.

Just as I'm grabbing my things to get going, the door squeaks lightly before it clicks shut again. I straighten my back and turn around to see Rayna standing there nervously, eyes fixed to the floor.

The air is unusually cold and I find myself rubbing my arms, trying to warm myself up. I don't think this is going to be easy if all it's going to consist of is the two of us sitting in silence awkwardly.

Thankfully, this isn't the case and she closes his eyes briefly before looking at me properly.

'Hi,' She says a little sheepishly and I try to hold back a smile.

'Hello,' I respond slowly. She sighs in relief as slowly, the awkward ice begins to melt.

I replace my position back on the windowsill with my back to the views behind me. She studies me carefully for a moment before joining me, making sure she doesn't touch me as she seats herself.

I glance over to my right and see as she stares at the wall opposite us. I know that she can see I'm looking at her but she acts as if she can't.

'So...what was the intention of this?'

'To talk,'

'I gathered that much,' She laughs briefly though I'm not sure whether it's to ease the tension or whether she genuinely finds it funny. I'm hoping it's the latter.

'I'm sorry,' I say simply and this time, she doesn't interrupt me. She looks at me carefully, smiling sadly, and nods.

'I know you are,' She says, 'despite everything, I believe you,'

It feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I exhale steadily, my eyes trailing back to look at her own. I never understood how much I relied on Rayna's friendship till this moment and now, it seems like one of the most important things to me.

'Thank you,' I smile but she shakes her head.

'You don't have to thank me, just mean your apology and don't go back on it,'

'I promise I won't,' I hesitate for the moment and lean forward to hug her lightly. At first I'm positive she's going to push me away, so it's a pleasant surprise when she wraps her arms around me and hugs me back. I can barely breathe for a moment, certain that I'm dreaming. Apparently my crush for Rayna has become worse the more I stayed away from her.

I'm still wondering on whether that's a good thing or not.

'I never thought you'd like me like that,' I say carefully, making sure my words aren't harsh or accusatory.

'Yeah well I never thought you'd find out,' her cheeks flush gently but she doesn't look very happy about it.

'Apparently Finn isn't the greatest at keeping secrets,' I try to crack a joke but she still doesn't smile. I don't think she appreciates this conversation at the moment.

'I gathered that much,'

I drop the subject quickly, not wanting to damage our fragile friendship at the moment.

'I've missed you,' I instead say gently and she cocks her head to the side slightly, a hint of a smile resting on her lips.

'I missed you too,' She says.

'It just feels like I haven't seen you in so long,' I sigh, 'I suppose our friendship deteriorated the moment I asked Mia out, she was very protective,'

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