Chapter 15 - Rayna

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'And then he got all nervous and asked if I wanted to go to prom with him! It was so cute like you have no idea,' Mia leans forwards and rests her head in her hands, staring at the wall dreamily. I raise an eyebrow at her obsession but I suppose I feel good for her. She has been looking forward to this day since Hayden arrived at this school.

'Aw, how sweet,'

'I know right, I'm so excited,'

'I can tell,'

She then sits up straight again and grips my arm.

'He's getting a tie to match my dress as well. Oh my god, Rayna you'd love my dress. It's dark blue with silver straps and...' She begins to label everything about her dress but I'm barely listening. It's beginning to bore me since she hasn't shut up about it this morning. She's mentioned her dress at least seven times. I lean against my locker, not needing to get anything out of it and she stops with me.

'Rayna are you even listening to me?!' She snaps and I feel my eyes widen momentarily as I focus my attention back onto her again.

'Yes, sorry I zoned out,' She continues to scowl but just as she goes to carry on with her story she's interrupted.

'Oh hey,'

I groan. Why can't they leave us alone?

Ben paces up to the two of us slowly and stands next to me. Only Mel is with him today and I don't know where Alice is. Mia suddenly goes silent, not wanting to get involved.

'Mia,' Mel grins and pulls her into a hug. I always forget that Mia appears to be friends with everyone, 'how you doing?'

'Good thanks,'

Ben smirks at their exchange and I wonder if I can walk away now whilst they aren't paying attention. It's a known failure as I try and get pulled anyway, my back slamming against the lockers.

'Whoa, where do you think you're going princess?' He asks and I sigh. Perhaps if I just ask they'll give up?

'Please...Ben can we just leave it for today? I'm seriously not in the mood,'

'All the reason why we should continue,'

'You're such a whining bitch,' Mel laughs, shaking her head. It sounds strained as if she's forcing it out, 'don't you agree, Mia?'

She nudges my friend who actually hesitates. Then she gives a nod. It's barely noticeable but I can see it. I can't believe someone I trusted just did that. Instantly, Mia's true colours begin to leak through.

'Mel. Stop,' I don't even have chance to speak when Ben does it for me and, judging by the look on his face, he isn't messing around. It's the first time I see him being serious.


'I said stop!'

Mel physically pales and I feel smug seeing it, even if it was Ben who caused it.

'What the hell do you want?' I sigh. I walk a little until I reach the wall and lean against it, it's a lot more comfortable then the lockers at least. I feel Ben join my side and the other two slump after him.

'Who says I want anything?' He comments and I'm surprised that to actually see some sort of compassion in his eyes.

'You always want something,'

'That's true,'


'It's nice to see us all together,' Another person says in a sing-song voice and I'm surprised to find I'm not the only person to groan. I actually have to stifle a laugh as Ben does the same beside me.

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