Chapter 5 - Rayna

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'Good day my fellow friend,' Hayden sits himself beside me and I roll my eyes at his vocabulary choice.

'Mornin',' I reply.

I look up at him and my once bored expression morphs when I take in his appearance. He looks exhausted as if he hasn't slept and his slumped over position was a far cry from his normal straight back and easy smile.

'Are you okay?' I ask him and he nods weakly, shrugging it off and shooting me a smile.

'I'm good,'

'You positive?' I raise an eyebrow but we're both aware I'm joking. He confirms this when he gives me a playful nudge.

'I promise you I'm fine Rayna, thank you for the concern though,'

I only smile in response and jump suddenly as Alexis and Finn, whom are only just arriving, throw their trays down onto the table next to me.

'Hello,' Alexis sings, Finn instead greeting us with a swift nod and wave.


'So I heard you weren't here early this morning,' Alexis grins, as if she's proud.

'Yeah, Evander slept quite well last night,'

Really he didn't have school this morning and so he woke up later then usual.

'Good, I hope there're more days like that,'

'Yeah...who told you?'

'No one, I was here early instead,' she chuckles, 'come to think of it, it probably would've helped if you were here early since I was all alone,'

I laugh along with her.

'Sorry about that then,'

We stay silent for a moment until Alexis swiftly changes the topic.

'You have any plans for the school dance, Hayden?' She asks him, leaning forwards and crossing her arms, resting her chin on them. I see Hayden shoot a glance at Finn who blushes.

'No, I didn't even know there was one,'

'Yep, they have one every year in January, it's like a winter theme or something haven't you seen the posters?' She stares at him incredulously as if she truly can't believe this.

'Perhaps I'll go then, it could be fun,' He smiles mischievously, 'and what about you? Are you going,'

She gasps and her eyes suddenly fill with excitement.

'Of course I am!'

'Are you going with someone in particular?'

Finn and Alexis both flush ruby red and instantly I know what Hayden's getting at. I smile at the two of them.

'Yeah are you?' I press causing Alexis to glare at me and Finn to completely avoid my glance.

'Um, Finn asked if we could go together,'

'Yay! Finally, it's gonna be great for the two of you,'

'Thanks, Rayna,' She gushes and leans a little into Finn, hiding her face from the two of us.

Finn smiles up at me and it instantly makes me feel nervous.

'What about you, Ray?' He asks and I shrug and shake my head.

'No,' Is all I say which instantly catches Alexis' attention. Her head whips up and she gives me her best glare, her earlier embarrassment dissipating into nothing.

'Are you kidding me?' She asks and I shake my head.

'No. I'm not going,'

'Rayna! You have to!'

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