Chapter 33 - Rayna

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I sit on my bed, ready to go for dinner at Hayden's house. Truthfully I'm extremely nervous even though I already know his father is a l person I get on well with. I think it's more to do with spending time with Hayden as he and I haven't been as close recently.

A gentle knock at my door jerks me back into reality and I frown momentarily before calling them in. Finn opens it slowly, as if still unsure whether he should even though I'd already granted him access. He smiles at me once he steps in and I try to return the gesture. He notices my falter and his expression drops as he sits himself beside me.

'What's up, Rayna?' He asks and I shrug.

'I'm just nervous I suppose, I wish I hadn't agreed to come tonight,'

'It isn't too late to change your mind if you really want,'

I sigh.

'I couldn't do that, especially at last minute I'd feel so rude,' I say and he nods in understanding, 'I just don't think this will go as planned,'

'You're making a big deal out of it. Just enjoy yourself and try to relax a little. Nothing will go wrong,'

I smile and nod at him.

'Thank you,'

'It's no problem, if you're ready do you want me to walk you up there?'

I shake my head.

'It's okay, he's meant to be picking me up but thanks anyway,'

He nods and gazes at the wall in front of us, completely transfixed by it.

'Mia isn't going to like this, is she?' I say and he glances at me momentarily before shaking his head.

'Not at all unfortunately,' He confirms, 'but I think we can keep this quiet for once,'

'Well she shouldn't have anything to worry about, it's not like Hayden likes me,' I twirl a strand of hair through my fingers wistfully before I'm nudged slightly.

'Don't worry about that. There are so many other people you'll meet, I'm sure there'll be time to find the right o-'

'You know what?' I suddenly announce and stand on my feet.

'What?' He says uncertainly and I stop for a moment, trying to remember what I was about to say.

'Forget it,' I say and he laughs outright.

'You can't remember can you?'

'No...' I huff, but let a small chuckle escape my lips. He rolls his eyes and goes to say something before he's interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door downstairs. We both freeze and all of a sudden he stands up and wishes me a quick 'good luck' before he leaves the room.

I exhale slowly and brush down my skirt before descending down the stairs.

I open it and am surprised to see Hayden's dad at my door. He smiles warmly.

'Hello Rayna, how are you,'

'Fine thank you,' I reply politely but my mind is focused on where Hayden is. I had expected him at the door, not his dad. For reassurance, I gain the courage to ask and Kevin points back at the car.

'He's waiting there, he didn't want to-' He gives a nervous cough and glances over at me, 'he didn't want to call on for you,'

I feel my heart sink but I nod, forcing a smile. I call a goodbye to Finn who grunts in response and I quickly shut the door behind me.

Kevin heads over towards the car and I follow after him. He opens the back door for me, since Hayden is in the front and I thank him before climbing in. I hesitate with what to say and instead leave it, seeing Hayden engrossed with his phone.

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