Chapter 10 - Hayden

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I feel a little bad for reacting the way I did but I don't like anyone accusing my family of doing something we're not. I'd thought I'd still be angry now and yet I'm not, I actually want Rayna to come back so that we can talk. I like her better then I've liked any other friends before, perhaps because straight away she trusted me which hasn't ever happened in the past. I also like to talk to her, I'm able to say what's on my mind and she'll listen, without trying to get involved and instead offers me advice. In that way, she's sort of like Kyra only I'm willing to stand her for much longer then my sister.

I grimace and nod at Blake, who merely raises a hand back. I can't say we've communicated often in the past, especially since we've lived in completely different countries for the majority of our lives.

'So how was school?' I ask him and he shrugs.

'S'okay, I got sent to the wall again though,'

This isn't a shocking thing to hear, my uncle is constantly reciting stories to why his son is always in so much trouble.


'I don't know, the dinner ladies just hate me,'

'I doubt that,'

'It's true!' He snaps, stalking a meter in front. I sigh at his reaction but shrug it off, knowing it's better to just avoid the topic then start an argument. Blake is one defiant sod.

The two of us walk in silence for a little while and this time I'm grateful to have directions. It's only a short walk but, knowing me, I'd still get lost without them. I had been hoping that perhaps Rayna and her brother would walk back with us since we pass her house along the way to mine but it's too late for that now. I'm just hoping she isn't someone to drag an argument out and we'll forget about it as quickly as it had come.

'So who was that person?' Blake finally asks, his curiosity snapping him from his sulk.

'Who, Rayna?'

'Yeah, the one with Evander,'

'She's a new friend,'

'It looks like you've fallen out though now' Blake sniggers, earning a glare from me.


He pulls a face at me all of a sudden, disgust filling her features.

'Are you going out with her?' He accuses.

'You shouldn't even know what that means,' I retaliate but he doesn't seem to care.

'Are you?'

'No, I am not going out with her,'

'Good. I don't want you going out with Evander's sister,'

I spin him around to face me. We're stood right outside the park close to where Rayna lives. He tries to look innocent but suddenly I'm filled with suspicion, perhaps Evander is right that Blake is the kid causing him problems.

'Why is that?' I press and Blake smirks. Sometimes I can barely tolerate him, he tries to act much older then he already is and, the majority of the time, he succeeds.

'Because he's pathetic. I'd be laughed at if people found out,'

'You're kidding me right, Evander's a lovely kid,'

'Everyone makes fun of him. He's useless and always trips over things,'

I hold back a smile as I recall Rayna express the same issue about herself.

'That doesn't mean he's pathetic,' I say but he avoids my glance, 'Please don't tell me you've been nasty to Evander yourself?'

Blake doesn't say a thing, but looks on with wide eyes, knowing he's been caught out. I am suddenly filled with guilt knowing I should've questioned Evander further instead of dismissing him and infuriating his sister.

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