Chapter 1 - Rayna

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I'm bustled about the corridor again, slamming into people's lockers as they pay no regard to their surroundings and shove me. I hear the constant drum of noises, intertwining with one another as they merged into an audible yet unidentifiable conversation ranging from all sorts of subjects. A few stop and apologize, earning a small smile in response, but the majority don't bother to even look around.

I reach the destination and arrange my books, placing previous ones in my locker and replacing them. History, English Language, and French. Same every Monday. I take the time to ensure the homework for French is pressed firmly into my book where it won't fall out any time soon even though I know I'm just being obsessive. I'm stalling for time since Alexis won't be here yet and I don't want to stand outside the classroom alone. I have better things to do.

Instead I make my way down to the library hoping that I can score a computer in time before lesson. My hurried walking is useless as I charge in to see the computer desks completely vacant, the black screen staring blankly at the wall opposite. I'm confused, accustomed to seeing these desks crammed with people all trying to use the computers at once as their friends squished besides them to wait for their turn.

I sit down cautiously, almost expecting something to happen of which, obviously, it doesn't and log on before anyone can try to push me off. It's only when I'm in the middle of writing a word document for extra history that I hear the babble of excited voices. I lean back a little and focus my attention to the other area of the library where the chairs surround a circular table next to the bookshelves. I can't see what's going on since my peers block the view, gathering around one of the chairs as they all talk at once, trying to get the attention of whoever was sat there. I frown and roll my eyes at the sight, not interested in whatever was intriguing them so much. Instead I finish off the final paragraph for my work and print it swiftly, logging off and throwing my bag around my shoulder. I groan as I realize the printer is adjacent to the group and I would have to approach them in order to reach it.

I'm glad the lot of them are all so entranced because they don't notice me as I slip behind them and print my things. As I do so I tune into a conversation from a few girls near me.

'They've been all over the world! Can you believe it...France, America, Australia. I am so jealous,'

'Ew, have you seen some of the insects they have over there though. Gross,'

'You can get them anywhere though,'

'I suppose, still he is lucky. I would give up anything to do that,'

'It must be hard for him though, constantly moving and never settling down. I'd hate to keep remaking friends every time,'

'With those looks though, he could befriend anyone,'

'Can't deny that, I think I'm in love already,'

'I know, loaded with money, different country, utterly gorgeous...'

'You don't want to say the money part, don't be a Rayna. You know what she's like,'

'I hope he doesn't turn out like her, the two are pretty similar excluding the gorgeous part for her,'

'He won't, he's so charming. Rayna's definitely not,'

I put my head down and swallow, quickly gathering my sheets and leaving the area before they noticed it was me. I descend down the stairs to my first lesson, no longer caring if I arrive early. The way they view me is based on assumptions but I take the insults to heart, hurt that they would be so harsh against me even though I hadn't done anything towards them.

According to my mum's book, my name was the equivalent to 'Regina' meaning queen in Latin but in my eyes, it merely represented rain. The foggy indistinguishable figures that paint out my life dancing in sync as they became soaked from the heavy downpour.

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