chapter 38

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1 week later...

So we're back the doctor's.  Tomorrow we're flying to California to be with Brody's family. Zac's coming along too....Now the plane ride won't be so boring.

The doctor took some blood tests and all, so now we're just waiting for the results.  "Brody, I'm telling you I'm fine.  The doctor is going to say the same thing...Everything is normal.  I havn't been sick in a week."

"We're just making sure there's absolutely nothing wrong Autumn.  You've been through so much these past couple of might have an STD for all I know.  That guy who raped you on Halloween got you could've miscarried because he gave you a disease."

"I highly doubt that Brody. And I miscarried because that Snake guy kicked me in the stomach a million times. Remember?"

"You can't rule out the possibilities Autumn.  Trust me. I'm a cop and I know these things."


The door opened and Dr. Rivera came in.  "So the results are back. Autumn, you're very healthy and everything seems to be normal."

"See Brody. Now let's go."  I said standing up.

"However..." Dr. Rivera started causing me to sit back down next to Brody. "You are in the early stages of pregnancy."

"WHAT?!"  Me and Brody both exclaimed.

"You're pregnant!" The doctor said enthusiastically. "Congratulations."  He looked at both our faces. "Maybe I should give you two a few minutes to yourselves.  I'll be in my office in the meantime.  It's right across the hall so just meet me in there. Ok?"

The doctor walked back out and closed the door. "Brody?"

"Yeah?"  He replied, still stunned.

"Did you use protection that night?"

He was staring off into space, but shook his head no.  "We're having a baby." He stated in a shocked tone.  "I'm going to be  a father." He stated.

"Yes Brody. You are." I said trying to calm him down.

"Oh god."

"Brody, it's going to be ok.  We're going to be great parents.  We're going to have either a baby boy or a little princess, remember?"

He seemed to calm down a bit.  He looked into  my eyes.  "Yeah.  I remember, baby.  I'm sorry, it's just this all happened in a just took me by surprise."

"I know Brody.  It's a huge surprise for me too."

"But it's a wonderful surprise.  I'm absolutely thrilled." He smiled at me.


"Yes.  I can't wait for the baby to come.  Let's go talk to Dr. Rivera."


We walked across the hall and into Dr. Rivera's looked like any other doctor's office.  "So did you two have a nice talk?"  He asked us.

"Yes we did. And we're thrilled about the baby."  Brody answered, kissing the top of my head afterwards.

Dr. Rivera flashed us a smile. "That's great.  Please sit down."

We did as we were told.

"Dr. Rivera I have a question.  Now, me and Autumn are supposed to be traveling to California tomorrow by plane. Will it be alright for autumn to fly?"

"Of course.  She's very early in her pregnancy so it will be perfectly fine, but not after she reaches her 2nd trimester. Any more questions?"

"Yes ummm...exactly how far along am I?" I asked.

"By the looks of things...5 weeks."

"Why didn't this show up last week?" Brody asked.

"It might've been too early to tell then. "  Dr. Rivera answered.  "Now Autumn, I want you to schedule an appointment 2 months from now for a check up...just to make sure the baby is doing well."

"Alright." I agreed.

"I think that's it for now, unless you have more questions."

"Autumn?"  Brody asked.  I shook my head no.  "I guess that's it for the questions,  but I'm sure I'll have plenty next time.  Oh, but when will we be able to tell if it's a boy or girl?"

"It depends....sometimes at 5 or 6 months...or as early as you're next appointment. It all depends on the baby's position and how much it's grown."

"Alright.  So I guess that's it. We'll see you in 2 months then?"  Brody asked,

"Yes. You can make an appointment with my secretary out front."

"Thank you Dr."  Brody said shaking Dr. Rivera's hand.

"Mhm.  And have fun in California."

"We will." I answered.

Me and Brody both walked out and made an appointment at the scretary's desk for February 12th.  Then we went back home and cuddled together on the couch.  Brody gently stroked my hair as I laid against his chest.

"So, after we come back from California, I think I'll go back to some sick days for when the baby comes."

"That's a good idea. I'll need all the help I can get."

"And I'm sure my mother will want to come out here and help with the baby too when  I go back to work.  And Zac could help too."


"Yeah. Surprisingly he's really good with kids."

"Hmm...maybe he can babysit."


"So when are we going to tell your parents?"  I asked,

"On Christmas Day. It'll be the best surprise they've ever gotten.  Hey, we should start thinking about baby names."

"We have a while before it comes, Brody. There's plenty of time left to worry about that."

"I know, but still..."

I sighed and smiled.  "If it's a boy, we name it Brody Zachary Taylor...After you and Zac.  And if it's a girl we name her  Cassandra Rose Taylor.  I've always  liked that name."

Brody smiled back at me and placed his hand on my stomach. "So there's either a Cassandra or a Brody in there.  Our little princess or our baby boy."


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