Chapter 22- Unexpected Relationships

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Miles was still holding me up by my neck and pressing me against the wall that was behind me, Sam and Ace were standing either side of him and giving me an evil glare. I was becoming breathless as he didn't let me go.

"We need your blood Artemis." They said in unison which is definitely not normal, in fact, none of this is normal.

"Give it to us!" Miles dropped one of his hands from my neck, I watched as he grew his nails so they were long and very sharp, then when they finished growing he slashed my left upper arm with them, cutting my shirt in the process.

I screamed in pain and terror, I let go of his grip and held my left arm where Miles cut it. He brought his nails up to his mouth and licked my blood off them.


"You no...choice...Miles.." I said panting for breath. I moved my right hand from my arm and made a fist, then, with all my power, I punched Miles in the side of his face. He let go of my neck and held his cheek closing his eyes while I fell back against the wall to the ground holding my neck. I saw Dean and Julia run into the room.

"What's going on?" I couldn't answer, mainly because my voice was gone so I pointed to Sam and Ace with my head and they ran over to them and threw them to the wall, I didn't stop them because their eyes were slowly losing the black to them. They must've known that this was unusual, probably because I'm on the floor holding my neck, they ran over to me and squatted in front of me.

"You good?" Dean asked and all I could do was nod while he was looking at my arm.

"I'm fine." My voice came out hoarse and they straight away knew I wasn't.

"You aren't, I'll go find someone to help you." Dean got up and ran out of the area. Julia went over to see if Miles was ok and I did get a bit jealous. There was a bruise on his cheek where I punched him which is starting to make me feel sad but after what happened it's making me feel better that he's slowly going back to his normal self. He opened his eyes and I saw that they were back to his beautiful navy eyes.

I was looking into his eyes and as he was looking around he saw me and when he did his eyes widened as shock covered his entire face. He got up and ran over to me and kneeled down in front of me. He was trembling and I could tell because his hand was on my arm stopping it from bleeding and his other hand was holding my face.

"I'm so, so sorry." Miles said while rubbing my cheek.

"I'm fine Miles, I really am, it'll heal. I'm sorry for punching you." My voice was still hoarse and I have a feeling it would be like that for a while even though I'm a Wolven and can heal myself. I brought my right hand up to his hand that's resting on my cheek and held it and he chuckled a bit at me.


"You apologised for punching me, you didn't have to apologise, you had to do it." That made me laugh at him but I couldn't laugh for long as it hurt my throat. He helped me up and I leaned on him as we were heading for the exit. The others also got up and ran towards me engulfing me in a hug, funny thing is, Dean hasn't come back yet.

"I'm so so so so sorry Blake!" Sam said crying onto my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything. Can you tell us how you got here?" Sam let go and looked at Ace with tears in her eyes.

"As soon as we get out of the school." Ace said putting his arm around Sam who was still crying. We were walking out of the area when a phone buzzed, it wasn't mine because I dropped and broke it badly to the point where it doesn't work anymore and Sam and Ace don't have one yet, which means it was Miles.

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