Chapter 23- Different

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The car ride was really nice, we talked and talked to each other for the five minute ride, even though it was quick it was really nice.

We arrived at the house and Oh My God, it's huge! It has a white concrete exterior with some wood balconies and lots of windows, there was a cobblestone path leading from the driveway to the front door and it had concrete boxes with plants and a fountain in the middle. We were surrounded by houses similar to this one and they all had different styles, like they were created by the owners to suit themselves.

"Welcome to our new humble abode." He says getting out of the car and walking around to my side of the car but instead of opening the door he leans on the side of it.

"Are you coming or not?" He asks me and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a gentleman Miles." I say opening the door for myself and getting out of the car.

"I try." He replies. As we were walking along the cobblestone path to the front door I tripped on one of the cobbles that's sticking out and nearly fell face first into the ground but because Miles is such a 'gentleman' he caught me but he had to grab my arm with the scratches and I winced. He pulled me up to his chest straight away when he touched the cuts.

"Sorry for hurting you arm more, but you're a very clumsy person. Maybe I need to carry you?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"I try Miles, I try" I say mimicking him from before, "and don't even think about doing that mister!" I said as he picked me up and hefted me over his shoulder.

"Miles! Put me down!" I say while kicking my legs and my arms hitting his back in the process.

I could tell he was walking to the fountain by the way the path was going and I could tell he was up to something.

"Don't you dare Miles!" I said and hit his chest and back harder.

"Aww, come on. Just this once?" I crossed my arms while he was holding me.

"Don't. You. Dare!" I said while punching his back as I said those words, but that only made him want to do it more. If he throws me in the fountain it better be deep which I highly doubt it is.

"Nothing's going to change my mind sweetie." He walked closer to the fountain and I felt myself being thrown in there, to my surprise it was really deep and Im not exaggerating. It was like a little ocean cave because there were rocks everywhere and plants coming from the bottom. As I was looking around a few orange flashes went past my eyes which freaked me out and I quickly swam back to the surface, panting, I got out.

"What the hell! You've made my uniform all wet!" I said holding my arms out, when cold water meets cold air it's like you been standing in the snow.


Which I kinda am underneath the jumper I'm wearing since white tops become see through if water has been poured onto them.

I started shivering and I start smirking and laughing evilly.

"Can I have a hug Miles?" I opened my arms and looked up at him with my best and sweetest smile.

"Uhh, not now. Maybe later?" He was stuttering and I started looking sad, hopefully he'll feel sad and I can give him a hug to get warmer. Or to get him wet.

"Pleeeaaase?" I pleaded and he started walking backwards to the front door.

"Umm, I have to go talk to Ace about something." He turned around and he dropped his guard. I took this chance, I quickly ran up to him, wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into him.

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