Chapter 8- Death Wish

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I've been stuck on Vampire territory for about a week now and they barely give us food. If I did get any I gave it to Jupiter, he needs it the most. So I've also been a Wolven for two weeks and I've already put myself into a terrible situation. I'm starving myself but I'm doing it so that my friend can feel better and get back to The Crescent safely.

"How are you feeling Jupiter?" I'm concerned for my friend, I really am.

"Better, I hope you're ready for our big escape!" He sounded excited. We hoped to pretended that I'm willing to give my blood to her and let her feed for a few seconds while Clover and Jupiter worked on getting our daggers back or making sure that Draven was on the ground in pain. Either way that's what's supposed to happen.

"Ready you guys?" They both nodded.

"Hey Lilyana! You can take my blood if you want!" I really hope she heard that and that the plan goes right. Lilyana entered the room but to my surprise Draven wasn't with her, he must be doing something else.

"So you are ready for me to feed from you." She was bared he fangs and licked them as if she was ready to eat and that sent shivers down my spine.

"But you let my friends and I out of the cage first and give them the daggers and then I promise to give you my blood." I hope my acting is good.

"Fine but just give me your blood." She sounded like a demon had possessed her and took control over her mind.

She opened the cage, let us out and gave Jupiter the daggers. Little did she know that she was making a big mistake. She grabbed my wrist and licked her lips. She dug her fangs into my wrist and caused pain to rush through my whole arm and it made me very tired, I hope my blood tastes worse than what it would be because I haven't done anything the wound on my other wrist that Draven gave me. I nodded to the others and they grabbed her shoulders and threw back, that also meant her fangs ripped my skin but I put up with the pain for now. Queen Lilyana was laying in the corner and a sad look consumed her face.

"I'm... Sorry Artemis..... It's.. Not... Me...." Lilyana was gasping for air I wanted to help her but I couldn't. I knew she was telling the truth but I shook my head and left with the others.

We all tried to run out of the building but it was difficult at first as the its like a giant maze, eventually we found the exit. Alarms were going off in the background as we were running through the woods. Clover and Jupiter were in front of me holding hands as they were running

'What's going on?' I was relieved to hear Artemis again after a week without her, it was torture.

'I'll explain later. I need you to transform for me. Think you can do that?' I was telling the others to change as well and so they did.

'Hell yes!' I turned into the wolf I know and love and the three of us were running to safety. The Vampire territory was officially out of our site but that didn't mean we stopped running. We kept going, no matter what.

All of a sudden something grabbed my back left leg and made me stop running. I looked at what caused me to trip but there was nothing there. The other two stopped and turned around.

'Are you ok?' I heard a voice that sounded very similar to Jupiter's but we were all in wolf form so it couldn't be but I answered the question anyway.

'I'm fine. Just keep going, I'll catch up.' And to my surprise they started running. I got up and followed them but something slashed my back left leg and I yelped in pain. I turned around to see the he-devil himself, Draven, was standing behind me with an evil smile covering his face. He started baring his fangs and I didn't want to become his food so I got up and started running. But to my surprise he was too quick and all of a sudden he was standing in front of me.

"Your kind destroyed my family! I'm going to get you back for that!" He tried to cut my neck with his nails but he missed and I kept running. He got in front of me again but I learnt from my mistake last time and instead of stopping I bit his leg. He fell to the ground and I jumped over him and continued to run. Eventually I caught up with the others but I was limping and my leg felt like it was on fire. We all stopped and turned into human form for a while.

"Geez Artemis, are you ok?" Both Clover and Jupiter were worried.

"I'm fine just a bit drained." I was hungry, tired and extremely sore. I've lost A LOT of blood over the past few weeks and it's finally taking its toll on me.

'You good Artemis?'

'Yeah, I think Draven had poison on his fingers because I don't feel to good.' She didn't feel like she was ok at all. We've both lost a lot of blood but she got the poison on the leg, I'm not going to tell the others. Eventually we thought it was a good idea to continue our adventure back to The Crescent.

We all transformed into our wolves and left. We didn't stick around just in case I passed out it would've been to difficult for them to carry me around. We just kept running, thankfully for us there were no danger in the woods. Finally, what felt like hours and hours we made it back to The Crescent safely. Although by then I felt the effect of the poison.

We got into the middle of the area and Jupiter howled. So many people were rushing out and in the corner of my eye I saw Jet, they both transformed back to their human form but I couldn't. I tried to contact Artemis but she didn't answer. I collapsed on the ground and I wasn't able to move anything. I saw Jet hugging his sister and thanking Jupiter. Everyone was surrounding them like they were the heroes of everything and I did annoy me a bit but I saw Jupiter point to where I was and Jet looked over at me.

Fear consumed his face as I was basically covered in blood and I was still in wolf form. He ran over, kneeled down and held his hands above me. He didn't know what to do with them, there were so many wounds covering me.

"What on earth happened to you?!" I could hear the concern in his voice although I couldn't see anything because my vision became cloudy. I realise now that my vision wasn't blurry because of the poison but the tears and it was cloudy because the tears were staying on my eyes. My breathe was becoming shorter and thank god I was able to transform back into a human. He held me in his arms and I could here people whispering in the background.

"I'm... Sorry..." They were the only words I was able to get out at the moment. Tears were falling from his eyes and they landed on my forehead.

"Shut up! Don't waste your breathe on apologising to me!" He sounded angry and I couldn't blame him. I scared him by running away and coming back. I'm came back but I'm ever so slowly dying from the poison.

"Don't leave me Artemis! I- I love you!" Out of all the pain I'm experiencing now, my heart feels like it was broken into a million pieces from hearing what he just said. I love him too and I wish I could tell Jet but I couldn't, it would only make everything worse.

"I'll see you later bud..." I gave him a little weak punch and I closed my eyes.

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