Chapter 9- Jet's P.O.V

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I've decided to do Jet's P.O.V of when Artemis arrived back with the others and was poisoned.
Hope you enjoy. :)

I was walking around my fathers office while he was in there, thinking where Artemis could've gone and it's now that I realise that she's my mate. Of course I'm worried about the others that are looking for her but to be honest I just want Artemis here with me so that I know she's safe. The first time I saw her I laughed at her but when I did I felt a connection. Of course, being the jerk I am I was too afraid to tell her how I felt and having Julia around only made things worse for her.

"She'll come back soon son, don't worry. She's a smart wolf I could see it the day we met." He sounded sympathetic. He knows exactly how I'm feeling right now because he lost his mate and he knows she'll never come back.

"And what if she doesn't?! What if someone finds her dead?!" I was angry at him and I wasn't trying to be rude I guess I just needed someone to take the anger out on.

"You need to calm down son."

"How can I calm down when my mate is missing!?" He stood up out of his chair and his hands rested on the desk.

"What if your mate is dead?! How would you feel? How do you think I feel?!" I made my own father angry at me. He walked out the door and slammed it shut. Now I'm really angry I started throwing stuff everywhere and I started making a mess of the whole room. When I was finished I was leaning on the desk with my arms crossed and tears were rolling down my face.

'Miles, do you think she'll come back?' Even Jet was really worried I could feel him getting ready to transform into wolf and start looking, but I know that if she did come back I could miss her.

'I don't know? I just want her to come back here safely and if she does I'm never letting her out of my eye site ever again.' There was protectiveness and sorrow in my voice, I'm afraid that I'll never be happy if she is gone forever. I walked over, punched a hole in one of the walls while Julia entered the room silently and I walked back over to the desk and leaned on it.

"Everyone is back except for Jupiter he hasn't returned." I looked up at her with anger covering my face.

"Get out."

She shook her head and said, "not until I know your ok." She stood her ground but at the moment all I wanted was to be alone.

"Get out! I hate you! You're one of the reasons she left!" Yet again I found someone to take my anger out on. She crossed her arms.

"She's changed you and our relationship! She's the worst things that could ever happen to The Crescent!" We were shouting at each other now. I was pointing at the door and telling her to leave but she didn't. Eventually she was crying and left. I felt terrible for shouting at her but she would never understand what's it's like to lose a mate, she doesn't deserve another mate.

'Calm down Miles, don't take you anger out on everyone. They don't deserve it.' I know he's right but I can't stop thinking about Artemis and the note she wrote.

'You miss her though, don't you? And your angry that she's missing?' I asked him, I know him and he knows me so there's no hiding it.

'Yeah, yeah.' He tried too hard to hide the fact that he is worried. I left the office in a bad and messy state and headed to my room. My walls are all painted black and my bed is a navy blue colour, basically the colours of my wolf are the colours of my room. I jumped on my bed, put my hands behind my head and just stared at the ceiling, thinking about Artemis and what happened to her.

I fell asleep for a while until I heard a wolf howl and immediately I got up and headed outside. No one has ever howled in a long time. I was stopped by Julia.

"What's going on?" She seemed tired but I turned around to look at her.

"Someone's howled. It can't be good."'I continued running down the hall and outside. Everyone was crowding two people who just transformed back into a human. One was Jupiter but the other looked like my sister but I know she died in the woods a few years ago. I ran over to them and noticed that the girl he was with is my sister. Clover.

"C- Clover, I thought you were dead!" I ran up to her and hugged her. We stayed there for a few minutes but we stopped when Jupiter came up to me.

"You might want to look over there." He pointed to a white wolf on the ground and immediately I knew it was Artemis. I stayed there in shock but ran up to her and kneeled by her side. I didn't know what to do with my hands as there were so many wounds covering her wolf.

"What on earth happened to you?!" There was concern in my voice and I noticed that she started crying in wolf form. She's saved my best friend and my sister that I didn't even know was still alive. Her breathe was becoming shorter and shorter and eventually she turned back into human form. I held her in my arms and the others were whispering in the background.

"I'm... Sorry..." Her breathe was becoming weaker every minute. I started crying and as the tears fell they landed on her forehead.

"Shut up! Don't waste your breathe on apologising to me!" I didn't mean to yell at her but it came out that way. She's scared the hell out of me but I don't care about that I just want her to be safe. Her breathe was weak and her pulse was fading.

"Don't leave me Artemis! I- I love you!" I feel like my hearts broken into a million pieces. The one I love is dying in front of me. Everyone was still crowding around Artemis and I and it destroyed me. They were watching not helping me get Artemis to live.

"I'll see you later bud..." She gave me a weak ouch and closed her eyes. The words that she just said tore my heart into shreds right after they broke into a lot of tiny pieces.

"Artemis?" I was extremely worried now.

"ARTEMIS?!" I was yelling but nothing happened.

"Someone help!" I was yelling at everyone but they all just stood there shaking their heads.

"You're all cowards! She's going to wake up and I know it!" I tried to stand up but I couldn't my legs just weren't moving.

My father was walking up to me and put a hand on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry son, we have to keep her in the hospital until she wakes up. She's in a coma." It made sense but why I had no idea. He took Artemis out of my arms and took her to our hospital, I just stayed on the ground. It was dark so I couldn't see a lot and it had just started raining too. Everyone was walking away except for Jupiter and Clover.

"C'mon Jet, we'll explain what happened." I followed them and they explained what happened to her.

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