Chapter 26- No Effect

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"Miles!" I yelled through the woods.

I some how got in the woods, I don't know how because Artemis keeps changing from wolf back to human and she won't stop. Because of forming, my visions starting to fade.

Somethings not right and I can feel it, it's like there are people watching me.

I fell over in exhaustion and was lying on the ground while trying to get air in my lungs.

After spending a few minutes on the ground I gathered my breath and slowly got back up. But, when I stood up I saw Lilyana, Derrick, Triston, Will, Draven and Madeline who was standing next to Draven while his arm was around her.

"What do you want?!" I scream at all of them. I have to be going hysterical, everything is so messed up!

"You're the next Luna of the Crescent pack and you will have unbelievable power, we've all seen the future. We all want you dead so we can take over this world and get rid of every stupid wolf and human being." Lilyana said with so much anger radiating off of her.

"Except for us three and Sam of course." Derrick said crossing his arms.

"You will kill all of us and we will never be able to live if you don't die!" Will said taking steps closer to me but is stopped by Triston.

"Calm down brother, nothing's going to happen if you hurt her." Triston said letting go of his brother.

"What's going on?" I asked getting ready to run if I need to.

"Nothing's going on, we just wanted to tell you something." Draven said leaning against a tree holding Madeline in his arms.

"Madeline, what's happening?" I turn to see her looking sad.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything." She said trying to break out of Draven's arm. She made it out of his arms and walked closer to me.

"What do you mean you can't tell me anything?!" I scream at her and walk closer to where she is but am stopped by Draven who steps in front of Madeline.

"Stay away from her!" He said through gritted teeth as his face came closer to mine.

"Why? Why do I have to stay away from her?!" I yell at him but we're pulled apart from each other by Lilyana.

"She's my daughter and Draven's mate." Lilyana said as she pushed me away from them.

"So you're the vampire we're looking for at school?" I ask tilting my head and she nods.

"This is so confusing!" I scream and grab my head.

"Everything will be answered on Saturday Blake but for now we can't." Lilyana said disappearing along with Draven but Madeline remained where she was standing.

"That meeting in the woods is cancelled Blake so don't try and come out to find us." Derrick said transforming into his wolf and running off with the others following him.

"Blake, you have to wake up." Madeline says walking over to me.

"What do you mean, wake up?" I say looking down.

"You're asleep silly." She says chuckling.

"I can't be, it seems to real."

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