Chapter 7- No way out

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I was awoken by the sunlight on my eyes. I looked around the room I was in and it looked like jail cell. It had bars on one side and the rest were brick walls, on one of the walls it has a window at the very top. I was lying on the bottom of a bunk bed and I could hear someone sitting on the top bunk. I looked at my arm and it has a bandage from the top to the bottom, whatever I actually did its pretty bad.

'Artemis, you there?' I haven't heard from here since the day we ran away.

'Yes, what's going on?' Oh thank god, she's here.

'I don't know but I'm going to find out.' 

'I... Can't stay... Room... Hurts...' I couldn't hear her anymore, this is going to hurt my head eventually but I wonder if the person above me has a headache?

I sat up and left the bed to look at the person above me. It was a young looking girl with black hair that would look blue in the moonlight, she had freckles all over her face and she was very skinny like she hasn't been fed enough. There were parts of her that reminded me of Jet which made me feel bad for running away, by leaving The Crescent I only put myself in a worse situation.

"Who's... There?" The girl said as she opened her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of navy blue and to my surprise she looked like a little female version of Jet. As I kept in the looking at the girl it made me feel sad, I don't usually cry over guys but this time I did and the tears didn't stop.

My heart aches.

"Hey, I'm Artemis." I was sniffing and wiping the tears. She sat up and crossed her legs on the bed.

"I'm Clover. Nice to meet you." She was happy but had a sadness to her. We shook hands and she jumped down.

"How old are you? I'm 15." She is pretty young to be in a place like this.

"I'm 16, how did you end up in a place like this?"

"Well, to start off with, I'm a Wolven. How I got here though, was one day I was exploring the woods with my older brother and we were separated and then I was taken here. I haven't seen my brother since then and that was about four or five year ago." Wow. She's been here for along time.

"Someone put you on the bed and you looked beaten up. Did he do that or were you found like that?" She's curious, just like me.

"I was found like that. Basically, I'm a Wolven to but I ran away from my area."

"Why? Did they treat you badly? If they did I'll kick their butts for you!" I like this girl she has a strong spirit and kind heart.

"No, I was told that I was very dangerous. When I was told I kept having nightmares about it and I left at night. I left my sister, my friends and the one I loved." She looked at me with a sad smile.

"I've been thinking of ways to try and get out of here, you know and it's hard all I want to see is my brother again. To see his smile, his navy eyes and black hair like mine. Hell, he probably forgot about me." I feel so sorry for her. Jet and Clover look so similar but he never mentioned anyone with a name like that.

"We'll get out of here don't worry, if I can find my dagger." I was feeling my back pockets and looked everywhere but I couldn't find it.

"The man, Draven took it. I watched him take it from your pocket, he nearly didn't see it but your dagger's gem was shining and he saw it."

"Plan B, we'll use our wolves to get out."

She shook her head and said, "the bars stop us from leaving. They shock your wolf." Well, there goes my plans.

"What about when someone comes we-"

An older looking lady entered the room with the man I saw last night.

"So the famous Artemis is awake. I'm sorry Draven had to put you to sleep last night but we had to get you here somehow." She spoke with class, as if she was a queen or something.

"By the way, my name is Lilyana. I'm the queen of all the vampires and this man next to me is Draven." He gave me an angry look. Then he gave me an evil smile and showed me my dagger. I ran up to the bars.

"Give that back!" I practically shouted at him. Draven put my dagger back into his pocket, walked closer to the bars and grabbed my wrist.

"Maybe we can set you and Clover free if you offer your blood to the Queen. Well, I mean Clover because you'll be dead!" He dug his nails into my wrist and I fell to the ground. I was bleeding, in a room full of vampires, not good.

"You'll pay for that Draven!" I yelled at him for doing that.

"Your blood smells nice Artemis, I'm excited to drink it. Draven fetch me the wolf!" Draven left to fetch a wolf that they apparently had caught. Lilyana walked up to the cage.

"Let me make a deal with you. If you promise to give me your blood the I'll promise to set Clover and Jupiter free." Draven walked back into the room, opened the cage and threw Jupiter into our cage. I ran over to him and Clover just froze, he looked bruised and had cuts over his arms. I don't care about my wrist at the moment all I care about it Jupiters safety.

"Think about the deal I made. Oh, and don't worry about your friend, he'll heal eventually." With that Lilyana and Draven left.

"Jesus Jupiter, what did you do?!" I ran over to him. I was worried, I like him but as a friend even though he came of as a flirt when I met him. I looked at Clover to see what she was doing and she was just staring at him.

"J- Jupiter?" Clover was stuttering then she ran over to help me get Oscar onto the bed.

"You know him?" I looked over at her and she nodded.

"We were best friends when we were kids. He is 3 years older than me but that didn't stop us. I've always wanted to be with him forever. While I was here I couldn't stop thinking about him and I fell in love even though I hadn't seen iPhone in 4 years it stilled happened. Love is a powerful thing. I didn't ever give up on him because I knew one day I would see him again." Clover started crying and Oscar wiped her tears away. Even though she's only 15 they matched each other well.

"How did you end up here Jupiter?" I needed an answer, I wanted to know what made him come all this way.

"Jet made us look for you, he told us that if we were going to come back that you had to be with one of us. So I left and I found Clover's sent and followed it. When I found her sent my heart went crazy, I was excited and I thought that Jet would be happy if I found Clover too but as I followed the sent Draven found me snooping around their area and got me.  That's how I got here." He was holding Clover's hand the whole time when he was talking because she kept crying.

I got up and walked over to the bars, rested my head on the bars and looked at my wrist, if I don't get it stitched up it'll become infected. But if the Queen dip rinks it she might be poisoned so I pm going to forget about it for now.

"Artemis, there's something I need to tell you." I heard Clover's sad voice so I turned to face her.

"I'm Jet's brother." That's why he looked sad all the time. He never wanted to mention her because it would bring up bad memories. I'm getting them out of here no matter what.

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