Chapter 17- Tainted Hearts

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We're running through the woods making our way to my house, Navi and Phoenix were in front while Jet and I are trailing. The scenery along the way was gorgeous, even though I couldn't see the colours of the woods I still saw the beauty that is where I live. After about an hour we made it to the house and transformed back into our human forms, we all huddled together and spoke about our plan of attack.

"Remember what we said, Navi and I will cover the bottom floor and Jet and Artemis will cover upstairs for this creature. If you need help then call for us otherwise we'll meet back here. By the way, this 'thing' has been here for a while so it's had enough blood to be a level 5 which means it could have powers that range from invisibility to being able shape to shape shift into people we love." We all nodded, hearing that this creature was left for so long makes me scared but I want to kill it so I'm not worrying.

We started heading towards the house. As we were getting closer the smell of rotting bodies was getting stronger, when we entered the house we were faced with dead rotting bodies covering the ground and all their blood was sucked out.

Their were lots of bodies.

I wanted to puke from the smell but I kept it in, my wolf senses are still around which means the smell burns in my nose. I pulled my top up to my nose and held it there; the others did the same. Jet and I headed upstairs to find even more bodies, this was my house about a few months ago and I come back to find this disgusting mess.

"You good Artemis?" He was looking at me with worry covering his face but I nodded at him, although I didn't make eye contact because I was still looking at the bodies everywhere and I was still covering my nose as the smell was stinging my nostrils.

We split up as the second level was huge but we checked every room but there was no sign of the creature here so we walked back downstairs and met up with the others.

"We found nothing." I said as I uncovered my nose, I'm so used to the smell now that it doesn't bother me much.

"Same here, although I did find our parents Artemis." Navi sounded really sad. I guess not seeing them for a few years would be sad because you'd want to see them alive and well but for me it was different for me, I was sad but not to the point I would cry.

"Well, we can either look for longer or just wait-" As Phoenix was talking there was a loud crash coming from the kitchen and all four of us ran over there but there was nothing there. We all put our backs together and held out our daggers.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say this one has invisibility?" I say to all three and I can feel them smirk.

"Good guess Arti! I see your slowly learning everything." Jet teased and I rolled my eyes at him.

"And I see you can't go anywhere without-" As I was talking we were all pushed away from each other and into different parts of the kitchen. I was slowly getting up my head was aching so bad and I could feel blood trickling down my temple, my ears were ringing and my vision was blurry. When my vision became clearer I saw Navi still on the ground with Phoenix trying to wake her up and I was looking around the kitchen for Jet but I couldn't see him anywhere.

I got up and had to lean on the counters in the kitchen and through the open doors that led into the dining room I saw the creature fighting Jet and he was struggling to get the monster off of him. I didn't want to watch the person I've fallen in love with die in front of me so I decided to run as fast as I could over to the beast and somersaulted over the creature and slashed its neck with my dagger deep enough for it to be paralysed for a few moments. I landed but Jet was still on the table exhausted from having to hold that thing off him.

I finally got a good look at the monster that's lying on the ground I front of me he looks different from last time but now he's very skinny, he has brown unwashed hair, only fangs for teeth, pale skin and the infamous red eyes but this time he doesn't have a knife with him. I ran over to Jet to help him stand.

"Your hurt Arti." He put his hand on my head to feel the wound and I winced.

"It's nothing compared to Navi so don't worry." I told him while moving his hand away from my head.

"What happened to her?"

"She hasn't woken up from when we all got separated, you and Phoenix should help her back to our place." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm not leaving you here alone." He sounded annoyed that I said something like that. I was about to answer but I was dragged down to the ground. I looked down to see that the creature has grabbed my ankle and is dragging me along the floor. Jet was running over to me and was pulling me to get my ankle but as I was being stopped by Jet the monster was digging his nails into my skin and I was yelping in pain.

Jet let go and I was dragged into a dark room which I know as my bedroom with bodies that had every single drop of blood taken from them. The creature went into a corner and never came back.

"Fancy seeing you here Artemis." Out of a dark corner came Lilyana in a red and black dress. As she was walking closer I crawled backwards but stopped when I reached a wall.

"Get away from me Lilyana!" I screamed, I knew what she was capable of doing and I didn't want that to happen. I heard banging on the door and voices but the door remained locked.

"All I want is your blood which you'll have to give to me if you want your friends to stay alive." She kneeled down and licked her fangs.

"If I give you my blood but do you promise to make sure my friends stay alive?"

"If it means to get your blood then yes, I promise." I sighed and gave her my wrist. She was looking at it like it was a piece of expensive meat. She bit into my wrist and it hurt badly, I could feel venom being put into my blood system and I started feeling lightheaded. She took her fangs out of my wrist which was the worst part, she had blood dripping down her mouth and she wiped it away with her hand.

"Thank you for that blood donation Artemis, I'm going to save some of your blood for a different time." I was leaning on a wall probably looking really pale. She got up and unlocked the door and vanished. Jet ran into the room and looked at me.

"It was that Vampire wasn't it?" I nodded with all my strength. He picked me up and we got to the door way but he stopped.

"Next time I see you Lilyana, you're dead!" He left and carried me all the way home while Phoenix carried Navi.


Sorry about it being up late there's a lot of homework I have to do and there also might not be a chapter tomorrow which I'm sorry about. School is a pain. I'm not able to proof read either so sorry about some major mistakes.

Thanks for reading!

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