Chapter 19- School

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Well, after my little black out I've been resting in Jet's bed for the past week again. Everyone's gone to school except Jet, he stayed with me just to make sure what happened a week ago doesn't happen again. I've got a bandage on my wrist and have to take regular pills as my medicine for that stupid evil voice in my head, I don't like needles so I decided to change them into pills but sooner or later I'll grow immune to them and I'll have to get some other medicine.

Although today's the day I have to go to high school and they have uniforms, not fair. It's winter uniform which means girls wear a dark green skirt with a plain white school shirt. Unfortunately we have to wear a tie with everything, I put my jumper over my shirt and headed out the door to the front door and I found Jet leaning on the door frame on his phone.

"You look good Arti." He said getting of the door frame to hug me, he was wearing shorts and a short sleeve top with a tie and a jumper. As he hugged me he touched my wrist slightly and I winced which he noticed.

"Does it still hurt?" He looked down right into my eyes and I nodded. He picked up my wrist and kissed the bandage where Lilyanas fangs got me.

"Well my father gave me this to give to you." He handed me an iPhone with phone numbers and
their names, I looked through all of them but one struck out the most. I looked at the words which said 'soul mate' and then looked up at him.

"I'm going to change that you know." I said with a smirk, he opened the door and pushed me out.

"No you aren't." He kept pushing me until we made it to a car. I stood there with my eyes widening, I front of me was a Nissan GT-R. It was white and looked really new.

"When did you get this? I've never seen it before." I pointed at the car and looked at him.

"A few days ago, my dad gave it to me for a ride to and from school. If you get in its a lot nicer." I opened the door and got in. It has white leather seats and a radio that changes colour every now and then. He started the engine and it was loud but not to the point where it hurts ears. He looked at me before leaving.

"There's one more thing that I need to tell you." I looked up at him with a worried look.

"What is it?" He smiled at me showing a beautiful smile.

"I just need to tell you that we can mind link it's a wolf thing." I looked at him, I'm so confused right now. He left the park and we were on our way to the high school.

"Care to explain Jet?" He laughed a little.

'Like this silly.' I was looking at him when I heard his voice in my head. He had a smile on his face, I knew he could see me looking at him with confusion but I started looking at the road.

'Why would you do that though?' I managed to reply back. It's pretty easy when you get the hang of it which doesn't take long.

"Well if we do it at school it'll be easy to contact each other while in classes without speaking to each other." I looked back at him as he was speaking aloud and nodded. It took about half an hour to get to the school, we passed the woods which took a while. I've never seen the outside world I've only ever been stuck in the woods my entire life, my parents went grocery shopping and never took me. When we did arrive at school we parked next to the others, Jet got out of the car but I stayed frozen in the seat holding onto my seatbelt.

"You coming?" He said while he opened the door for me. I shook my head and my grip tightened on the seatbelt, my knuckles started turning white.

"C'mon Arti, it's not that bad." I continued to shake my head at him.

"We're in different classes, who knows what's going to happen! Look they're looking at us." I was looking in front of me to see lots of kids looking this way.

"You staying in the car is making a scene so if you want to get out then go ahead. By the way, Sam is in your class."  That made me feel a little better but I didn't get out. He sighed and reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt, I let go of it and stepped out of the car.

"See, so far so good." I rolled my eyes at him. Everyone but Navi and Phoenix were here, I guess they're to old for school.

"Blake, you have to call is by our real names by the way." Sam said, I completely forgot about our names. That means Julia is Julia and Sam is Sam, Jet is Miles and Echo is Ace but I don't know Archers name.

"What's your name Archer?" He looked up from his phone.

"It's Dean." He said while looking back down at his phone. Everyone was talking for a bit and it was good until we heard the bell ring. Jet's older than me so he has different classes than me, when it was time for us to leave he kissed me on the forehead and left.

We grabbed maps from the main building, Sam and I were in the building getting our stuff and she grabbed everything before me so I told her she could go of without me. Which she did and for another time in my life I was alone, the others aren't in my class so they weren't here either.

While I was grabbing my books I had my pencil case in my hands putting everything in but my folder fell into my arms and touching my wrist I yelped and dropped everything.

'Real smooth Blake, real smooth.' I rolled my eyes at her.

'Shut up Artemis.' She chuckled and stopped talking to me. I was squatting on the the ground picking everything up.

"Do you need any help?" I looked over to where I heard a mans voice. He walked over and squatted down in front of me. He had short brown hair with blue eyes kinda like mine.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though." He didn't leave, instead he helped me pick up all my stuff. He put the pencils back into my pencil case and helped me up.

"What class do you have now?" He asked as I was grabbing the rest of my stuff.

"Umm, I believe it's maths." He smiled at me when I was speaking.

"I have that to, is it ok if I walk with you to class?" I nodded and we were off to class.

"What happened to your wrist?" He pointed as we were walking towards the classroom.

"Oh, I just fell over and cut it." I sighed as I spoke I hope he doesn't ask me more about it.

"How long ago was that?" He asked. I didn't want him to because I can't be stuffed thinking about it, it hurts my head.

"A few weeks ago." He looked down at me and smiled.

"Well I hope it gets better soon."

"Yeah, me to." I sighed, we made it to our class just in time.


I'm thinking about starting to make the chapters longer but that means they won't be out for a while.

Also if you want check out my friend Rainbowcool123 her book is really good. I find it good, everyone has different type of books they favour. Thanks :)

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