Chapter 2- Why?

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My head was aching so much and my chest felt like it was on fire.

"Oh good, your awake." Said a man with a low voice and a cheery tone.

It felt like I was lying on a bed but it was hard to tell because my eyes were still closed as I was afraid the light would only make my headache worse. But I had to open them, so I did. And the light, THE LIGHT, it hurt! I closed my eyes and held my head.

"Umm, what are you doing?" Said the man again.

Wait, man?! It took me few a seconds to register that there was a guy in the room. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. Worst. Idea. Ever. When I got up quickly my head just ached and my chest was burning. I just sat there with my head in my hand's.

"Are you ok?" Asked the man.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I took my head away from my hands and looked at the guy. He was very tall with short brown hair and clear blue eyes.

"Where am I and how long has it been since I've been here?" I'm in a cabin thing with wood log walls. I'm guessing I'm still in the woods but in a place I've never seen before.

"Your in our area now, the Crescent. Thats what we call the area. As for how long, hmm, about a day or two." I just fell back and spread my arms out on the bed. Then I began thinking, so if I know my moon fazes, Crescent is one of them or something like that anyway.

"What's your name? Mines Phoenix or my human name, Dane but I prefer Phoenix." I leaned back up again, this time the pain wasn't that bad.

"My name's Blake." I said while looking at him. But I looked away. "Wait, did you say your human name was Dane?" Then I looked back at him. This guy is annoying me.

"Correct, we have two names." Phoenix or Dane or whatever has two names?!

"What do you mean 'we'?" I'm so confused right now.

"'We' are wolves." He sounded very happy and he quoted the word we. Wait, Wolves? Are you freaking kidding me right now?!

"Like Werewolves?" I said, I didn't know I would offend him by saying that, I must've though because he gave me an angry look.

"Don't call us Werewolves, we hate it." Phoenix sounded angry.

"I'm sorry I don't know anything," he can't be angry if all the things we were taught about them at school is wrong, "anyway, do you know what happened to me last night?" If I'm going to be getting answers from him, may as well ask about important stuff.

"Yes, you were bitten by the Alpha Altair or human name, Jacob and his son was with him and he's Jet or his human name is Miles and that also means you are one of us now." So I didn't die, I'm just a wolf now. I got up out of bed but as I stood up my leg's gave out half way through. That meant I nearly fell to the ground but with Phoenix's quick wolf reflexes, he caught me.

"You can't stand up yet, the wolf inside you won't let you walk until you rest a bit longer. Your wolf doesn't have enough strength to stand so that means you don't either. So, you have to stay in bed for a few more days and besides there's people who want to meet you. The coolest thing is, when you've rested enough your wolf will tell you your name!" He set me back down on the bed and right on cue two others came in.

One with short grey hair and dark olive green eyes and the other with shoulder length jet black hair and navy eyes. They were both tall but navy eyes was really cute. There was something about him, I felt a connection between us.

They were the ones who found me yesterday or something. The hair! My head just screamed that at me. Their hair is the colour of their wolves! That means my wolf would be white or platinum blond. As if I couldn't get any stranger.

"I'm Altair and this is my son Jet." Phoenix bowed, I thought I had to bow as well but I tried and nearly fell off the bed, again Phoenix caught me. Jet started laughing so I gave him an angry look and his father hit him on the back of his head.

"Behave son, if you are to be the next Alpha." Altair was very cross at him for laughing.

"Sorry father." I wanted to start laughing but unlike Jet I held it in. I honestly couldn't take my eyes of him. He was still slightly laughing at me, but I just rolled my eyes at him. For the next alpha he better get his personality in shape.

"Jet, tomorrow you will take her for a tour around the area." Jet didn't look happy, he looked more angry at his father for making him drag me around everywhere.

"Don't worry about me, I can just stay here." I regret saying that now, all of them just stared at me, including Jet. Phoenix came to sit next to me and whispered in my ear.

"Don't disobey orders from the alpha Blake." Oops.

"Well, I'd love a tour!" Ugh I have to spend more time with Jet. I was looking down and I noticed my chest where I got bitten had healed, but that didn't stop it from hurting.

"Ugh, my wound's healed. How did it do that?" I was super confused now. As if everything couldn't get even more confusing.

The alpha began talking so I had to listen. "When your a wolf you heal quicker than a human normally would. This bite I gave you healed quicker than usual because it was the first time you had to heal. But when you get attacked by something else you won't heal as quick. But, if you have a mate you heal almost straight away. You do that by taking some of their energy from them." So much to learn! Great! The sarcasm is real.

"Phoenix, you will teach Blake everything about us and teach her how to use her wolf correctly." I could see him grinning next to me.

"My pleasure sir." Oh great, stuck with him for even longer now. Altair and Jet left after a while. Altair wants me to look my absolute best for the tour tomorrow, he specifically told me to make the best impression of myself for everyone to see. That would be hard since I can't exactly use my leg's.

After all the things that happened today I completely forgot about my parents death, although I'm not crying over them as much as I probably could because they didn't exactly care for me. That started ever since Lily's death.

"There's someone else who wants to meet you," Phoenix had a worried look on his face, "just don't yell or be angry. Promise?"

"Umm, ok." Things for me were starting to get weirder but I guess I'm living with wolves now, how weird can it get. Then a girl with strawberry blonde hair and golden eyes walked through the door. This person looked exactly like what my sister would look like if she was alive now. But she died six years ago so it can't be, or could it.

"Hey Blake, long time no see..." She sounded sad and sorry at the same time. I was looking at her, studying her features. Then it hit me, this is Lily.

Lily's alive! My emotions were all over the place I felt happy sometimes than angry other times.

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