Chapter 20- New students

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I sat down next to Sam and grabbed out my maths book and opened it.

"Who's that guy you walked in with." Sam was leaning towards me and whispered in my ear.

"Come to think of it I don't know." I didn't actually get his name, which is strange. He walked in and sat right next to a girl with long black hair and a fake tan, then he put his arm around her shoulder and brought her closer to him.

"Stop staring at them Blake, everyone will think you're jealous." I gave a look that meant 'don't' and then looked down at my book and rested my head in my good hand.

"How'd you know I was staring?" My voice was muffled because my mouth was half covered by my hand.

"It was really obvious. By the way, he's looking at you." She said nudging me, I look up to see him staring at me and he winked but the girl next to him turned her head at the same time, she gave both of us an evil glare then she turned back and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I think we found the devil of the school." I chuckled a little at her. Then the teacher walked in and class started. She looked very old and she's probably going to be grumpy a lot, she had her grey hair tied into a bun, glasses that looked to big for her head and she was quite skinny.

"Students, I'm Mrs Willsworth," she had a very scratchy voice, "I believe we have two new students, I'm not going to get you to introduce yourselves since we have a lot of work that needs to be done." Everyone groaned at the word work and I just hit my head on the desk with my arms in front of me.

"You only have to last an hour and fifteen minutes then you can see Jet." I heard Sam whisper into my ear and I brought my head back up slowly. The class went by so slowly, it was torture! I was walking with Sam outside for recess and we were trying to find Jet, I mean Miles and Ace.

'Well that was fun wasn't it Blake?' I heard Artemis say in my head.

'Tell me about it.' I reply and chuckle a bit.

"I think I've found them." Sam said crossing her arms over her chest and giving both of them a glare. I looked up since I can't walk very well if I don't look at the ground, I saw a few girls surrounding them and I to cross my arms. They both spot us and push the girls out the way and walk over to us but none of the girls were happy, they gave us evil grins like they're going to do something to us.

"I'm glad we found you Blake, those girls didn't leave us alone at all." He says hugging me, I guess I can't worry about them since I was walking with a guy to class and I'm sure he would've been grumpy.

"It was great!" I said with a lot of sarcasm which made him and the others laugh.

"We have a grumpy old teacher for maths and the whole entire class we had to work, she didn't give us any breaks at all!" Sam said with a slight hint of anger at the end.

"We also had an old teacher for tech this morning who had a very short temper and cracked it at our class." Ace said with a smile creeping onto his face.

"Anyway, have you guys been looking for the vampire that's here?" Miles asked and I completely forgot about the vampire.

"Nope, forgot about that." I was speaking for myself and Sam because I knew she forgot about it to.

"Well, you better start looking then." Miles flicked my forehead as he was speaking and I started punching his arm with my good hand but he managed to grab my wrist and held me closer, we were looking into each others eyes.

"I think Sam and I will go look for the vampire." I knew Ace was finding this awkward and so is Sam. They left which meant it was just Miles and I with people staring at us. He picked up my other hand and looked at it.

"How's your wrist?"

"It's fine, it's doing pretty well. But sometimes it hurts."

"Have you been taking your medicine?" Uhh, oops. I would've gone but Mrs Willsworth wouldn't let us out of class.

"If you haven't you should go do it now, I'll wait out the front of the bathroom and you can have them there." He held onto my good hand and led me to the bathroom. I entered the ladies room and thankfully no one was in there, I grabbed the tablets out of my bag and grabbed my drink bottle but I heard the door open so I stuffed them back into my bag. The girl with the dark hair that blondy had his arm around walked in.

"Fancy seeing you in here." She walked over to the mirror and started applying mascara.

"You know the guy standing outside the door is really cute." I rolled my eyes and now I'm going to have to wait until she leaves otherwise she'll think I'm taking drugs and I'm sure she'll make something up about that.

"I saw you walk in with Parker and that really annoyed me." She said scowling at me through the mirror.

"I didn't know he was your little pet, but of course I'll stay away from him because I like the guy outside the door more." I replied, something about her is just really ticking me off. She put her makeup away and looked at me with her arms crossed.

"I don't care about him anyway, but your friend with the 'flame hair' annoys the crap out of me. Her scar drags in to much attention she should be embarrassed of it, it's so ugly." My eyes widened as soon as she called Sam ugly.

"Don't judge her because of how she looks, you've got no idea about what happened in her past." I was pointing aggressively at her, what can I say I get protective of my friends.

"Whatever, I'm done talking to the trash." She left the room so I could finally take my tablets in peace.

'If you don't mind hurrying up that would be good.' I heard Miles voice in my head.

'Sorry, someone distracted me.' I replied.

'Oh the girl with the black hair?' I sighed angrily as he mentioned what she looked like.

'Bingo!' I said sarcastically.

'Her names Kirsten and before you crack it at me, she told me her name before entering.' I rolled my eyes and finally took my medicine, that took longer than I expected it to take. I exited the bathroom to find Miles talking to the blondy that helped me with my stuff earlier and they seem to be having a good conversation.

"I'm guessing you're Blake?" He says pointing at me and I nodded.

"I'm Parker, it's nice to meet someone as pretty as you." I could see Miles getting angry at the compliment, which made me feel safe knowing he cares so much about me.

"Well, I have to get to class and find Sam so I'll see you two later." I left before things got ugly.

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